Nov 08, 2006 23:01

WHOO! Majority!

So the democrats won the Senate and the House. I just hope they don't screw this up.
And I hope that Bush isn't going to be a complete asshole for the next 2 years.
But I have no reason to suspect that he won't be.

Fuck everyone who voted to ban affirmative action (a.k.a. "Yes" on Proposal 2).
You are all...um...cunts. Yeah, cunts.
Right, everything is equal now, isn't it? And we really need to stop
all that discrimination against white males right? We could not permit the white
males to shed the same tears shed by those fighting for civil rights for the last
4 or 5 decades. Oh Christ no!

And I don't mean to suggest that everything I believe is right.
But really, it is, so fuck you.

No, I just believe that if you have a certain belief, you should be able to support it.
So if you have differing opinions, argue with me. But be able to support it.

And that douche Pete Hoekstra is still in office! Damn it!
"We still have a war to fight against radical Islam."
Here's a thought, dumbass. You cannot FIGHT A WAR against radical Islam.
It will only encourage them, cock face. Just try not to screw with them,
or impose your ideologies on them, and they will not have anything to bitch about.

Geez, I hope those NSA agents are doing their jobs and keeping tabs on me
based on my livejournal rants. Thanks for keeping us safe, Patriot Act.

Debbie Stabenow pissed me off too, even though I voted for her.
In her victory speech, she talked about preserving the American way of life.
Call it democracy or freedom or whatever, but jesus, the American way of life
is impractical, unethical, and overindulgent. At least as far as the majority
of Americans live their lives. I wish people would realize that.

Well, those are my thoughts on the election. Overall, a good night, promising
a...promising future, I guess.

Also, Granholm won. I think a "phew" is deserved. I was scared for a bit
during the campaign.
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