Jul 06, 2003 05:24
Just got back from Chicago.. was pretty fun...
We all rolled down Two car posse style (ed and I in his explorer.. with NO FUCKING AC in this HOTASS WEATHER) pimping to all kinds of ill tracks and rocking out..
We got there, and went out for dinner with Brian, Ashley and Sarah to some ,, I dunno what kind of place, but it was good.
I ordered this Bruschetta that was some strange amalgamation of .. stuff (it had fucking peanut butter on it, for fuck sakes),, that was... MMMM good.. and I ordered a veggie burger for my main course, but they neglected to actually give me it, so I got a free martini out of the deal, which I proudly proclaimed that "it tastes like pain!" And then we went to the venue
Fucking ASSFUCKLOAD of people.. it was AWESOME.. and they had it set up so you could SMS their projecter computers, and get messages on the hugeass screens, so I was spamming the shit out of it with things like "NORGERS ROCK" and "Jesus Brian, my Penis is on fire".. and all kinds of other things. Mad fun.
After the show we left back to Brian's hotel and were regrouping to go out together but Chicago is apparently REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY strict on the 21 age restriction... so with Pip and I being underage.. Pip, Steve and I rolled home and hung out with a friend of theirs (who was hella cute) for a couple hours and talked and laughed and had a good time. and then we drove home watching the sun come up and with Flaming June on the sound system.
Great ending to a Great weekend.
I'm filling out my green card paperwork when I get home.. I want to at least have the option to move to somewhere like Milwaukee or Seattle.. oh baby thatd be nice..
and now, a couple choice quotes from MISTAH B B B T.
"Arthur, Put down my Girlfriend."
"Ok SERIOUSLY dude.. from now on.. if its going to be over 30 hours.. I want you to CALL ME first and we'll set something up.. I cant take hearing this shit anymore!"
Im going to get some sleep before Ed comes to grab me and I spend the rest of my day with him before I begin my long ass (albeit 12 hours shorter than the initial journy.. go figure) trip home.
Linday wants a hug from me specifically..
Im flattered but.. I dont get it?:P
nyar, sleep.