I really dont get it.

Sep 09, 2003 04:17

I shouldn't feel bad, or upset, but I do.

I dunno. I just thought it would work.

And it didn't and I should move on, but for some reason my mind is dwelling on it.
It sucks.

I spent $20 on a Blue Beetle Action figure, that was one of my first extravagant totally nonrequired purchases since I made a shitload of money.

I think im going to be Guy Gardner for halloween. Gotta see if mom can create me a guy gardner jacket. Then I ahve to make the belt, and go buy a shitty GL ring from Warp.. or maybe ill make one out of fimo or something. Spraypaint a huge foam finger Green.. It will be crazy fun.

Looked into apprenticeship a little bit.. Adrian says I should do something with my life cuz im at the age where girls arent going to want me if i dont have a real job and cant provide for them etc etc.. but I dont really know if Iwanna be a plumber, or an electrician, or anything else.. Nyar.

Yeah I dunno.

I turn 21 on friday. Jesus christ im old.

Where has the last year gone.

Think im going out for dinner with mom and hugh.. that should be nice..

Its weird not having to work ALL The time now.

Im gonna miss the money, thats for sure.

Oh yeah.. a few pics of me with Calgary people are here.
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