Dec 05, 2004 15:17
As I was attacked by a gay shirted Israli crazy guy and found out that not all things Greek Theater are what they seem to be, I looked at my homosexual best friend and wondered
Where are all the hetero guys? They must be out there, but of course not at wine bars in the east village. It seems that all of my friends had found at least one that they were currently pursuing, or agonizing over or fucking, and then there were those making out with those that we all thought were gay, but aparantly kiss girls.
Maybe I should move to Nebraska.
Then today talking with an ex who is debatably heterosexual tells me all about his sexual conquest last night (which was of the hetero pursuasion). When did it become ok to tell people you used to sleep with about the people you are currently sleeping with? I don't want to hear it.
I think I'll move to Nebraska. Where they rape and murder people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. woo!
I think I'll stay in New York, lonely lonely New York.