
Dec 29, 2005 23:32

its been a while.....
dont even know what to write.

i just got my grades in for this past semester.

yeah the C- can kiss my ass. fucking accounting. i hated his exams. everything was fine...quizzes were fine, homework was fine, exams...sucked ass. blah.

oh well. i'm doing amazing in school otherwise and that is fantastico. work is wonderful as well. getting two raises within like 3 months is quite wonderful. not to meantion a $200 christmas bonus and a trip to chicago in a couple weeks (yes i love work and im bragging tehe)
hopefully the management job will happen. wooo i'll be a real adult! weeeeeeeee

im coming down with a cold. grr.

hm speaking of health issues, somethings definitely wrong with me. i get headaches every day. and by headacheS i definitely mean plural. i get three or four every day literally. it sucks. i dunno if they are migraines or tension head aches or what? i did some research online. and its weird cuz its been goin on for a couple months, and its always like above my eyes and like behind my jaw/ears (sounds weird but it happens and it sucks) so online it sounds like thats tension head aches. but it also said its caused by stressed and emotional situations. i feel like i havent been that stressed or emotional lately at all. i dunno maybe i was and just didnt realize it? ha maybe ive just been doing my school work and so my brain isnt used to actually being used so much lol.

either way i think if it really keeps up im gonna go to the dr. i almost feel nausous (im sorry thats the hardest word to spell lol) when it happens like im gonna puke. blaaaaaaaah.

we're going to asia tomorrow night hopefuly. im psyched about that. loooove going out and drinking at bars...and i NEVER get to do it :( waaaaaah. we have so many bottles of alcohol here and i never drink any of it. at least this weekend is new years. we are going to mike and andreas which shall be a blast. love them.

okay enough rambling. im gonna drag ryan into bed (by the way like usual we are amaaaaaaaaaaaazing. better than ever actually....amazingly i fall more in love with him every day...im gonna burst soon :P haha cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesy mushy-nessssssss)
okay so nighty nighty.

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