(no subject)

May 24, 2006 05:21

10 Firsts:
1. First best friend: megan roe
2. First screen name: nutmeg7069
3. First pet: george
4. First piercing: My ears
5. First crush: steven bigger
6. First music: beach boys
7. First car: escort
8. First REAL LOVE: mommy
9. First school: Walled Lake Elementary
10. First house location: Walled Lake

9 Lasts:
1. Last time you smoked weed: never
2. Last thing you ate: wings at b-dubs
3. Last car ride: w/ a bunch of austrailians and greg
4. Last movie seen in the theatre: shes the man
5. Last phone call: todd
6. Last CD played: eminem
7. Last bubble bath: a month ago
8. Last song you heard: i don't know
9. Last time you laughed: not too long ago

8 Have You Evers:
1. Have you ever dated one of your best friends: yes
2. Have you ever been out of the country: Yes
3. Have you ever skinny dipped: haha
4. Have you ever been on TV: yup a few times
5. Have you ever kissed someone and then regretted it: haha
6. Have you ever cheated on a b/f-g/f? hell no
7. Have you ever been cheated on? as far as i know no
8. Have you ever been on a blind date: no

7 Things You're Wearing:
1. pants
2. underwear
3. shirt
4. watch
5. ring
6. hair ties
7. earings/navel ring

6 Things You've Done Today:
1. taught swim lessons
2. lifeguarding
3. hung out w/ a bunch of austrailians and greggles
4. hung out with the Todd
5. talked to kurt
6. talked to chuckie

5 favorite things In No Particular Order:
1. Hanging out with chuck
2. playing w/ my nephews
3. playing w/ chopper
4. quality time w/ mom
5. hanging w/ friends

4 Things You Want to Do Before you die:
1. learn sign language
2. skiing in the REAL mountains
3. go on that trip to new york w/ my grandma and mom
4. have a family

3 Choices:
1. Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
2. Hugs or Kisses: both
3. Pens or Pencils: pens

2 People You Can Tell Anything to:
1. chuck
2. kurt/danielle/chris

1 person you want to see:
1. Andy Elliot
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