May 15, 2005 21:57
i love music. and i realized that what i love about music are the words that it speaks. i mean of course i enjoy a great guitar riff or a powerful bass line, but what i really enjoy is how those things can help convey the meaning of the words. i love lyrics. i cant get enough of them. and if the song doesnt have lyrics then usually the music just speaks for itself. the music speaks words. but back to words... the power of speech is amazing. it can help a drunken guy pick up on a girl, a president (not ours obviously) motivate and move an entire country, or even a dying man communicate his last wishes. but one must be weary with this great power because it can also ruin relationships- between husbands and wives, fathers and sons, leaders and their countries/states/counties/cities, friends...
fuck i am rambling. i am too tired for this. didn't i start out talking about music?