(no subject)

Aug 10, 2007 13:54

I am wrapping up kind of a stressful week.  I've been alternately really busy and extremely bored.  It seems like I can't just have a steady flow of things to work on, it's all at once and everyone needs their stuff last week, and then in the afternoons I am at a loss for what to do.  That is annoying.

I am also dealing with the dilemma of whether I should take a new, more boring position that pays more and has a better schedule, or stay doing what I'm doing, with decent money/hours and enjoying it.  I guess I won't really know anything until I have a chance to talk to Phil about it more in depth, so I shouldn't worry about it too much.  I would basically be doing the same thing I did for Marion at CED, but making a helluva lot more money than I did there.  The thing is that I already make a pretty decent wage plus spiffs, so they would have to really make it worth my while financially to switch over to a job that isn't as much to my liking.  I don't know, I've been really happy doing the showroom and I don't want to go do something I'm going to be miserable doing.  I'm starting to think that it wouldn't be worth the stress, even for more money.  This job would require a lot of organization, which everyone knows is not my forte.  To a certain extent I am getting better at it, but I just don't know.  Is it worth giving up a job you enjoy and are good at, for a job you wouldn't really enjoy very much but would make more money so that you could eventually only have to work part time?  *Sigh*  I just don't know yet.

Besides all that drama, we are maybe going to a movie tonight with Travis & Sarah.  I'm hoping they don't cancel on us because we rarely spend time with them and I really want our family to be closer.  Also, tomorrow afternoon we are going over to some new friend's houses to have a Star Wars marathon and BBQ.  We met Ryan and Amber two weeks ago at Derek & Jenn's housewarming party, and we really hit it off.  They came over last weekend for our BBQ, and barely won at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.  Anyway, they invited us over for this weekend to watch 3 fo the Star Wars movies (not sure if we are going to watch the first 3 or last 3) and have dinner and maybe wear pajamas.  It should be fun.  Then next weekend is the Warped Tour, Yay!

The next two weeks are going to suck so bad trying to get to work in the morning with the I-5 closures.  I am really not looking forward to it.  I am going to try leaving an hour earlier than I normally would, but at some point you have to draw the line.  If getting to work at 8 means I have to get up at 4, then it's just not gonna happen.  Well, I guess that's it for now.  K LATER BYE.
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