Jun 02, 2004 02:03
Today was my first day at my new site, Mendenhall Middle School. As first days go it was pretty good. I got along well with the staff, most of the kids are nice, and I didn't have to talk to anyones parents. There is this one girl there that seemed to give me a lot of attention all day long. I think you've got some competition Jackie. She said she was going to be 13 soon, so I'd watch my back if I were you. She'll probably hate on you like Kendal did when you came to see me at work over at East. After PAL we had a PAL meeting for the parents of the children that were going to be in the Summer PAL Program. Later last night I went to John's and finally saw Eurotrip, very funny. After the movie I took Mike home and when I got home, like 1:00 A.M., I went for a run. I only did two miles, but it felt really good, so I did them pretty quickly. Honestly, other than lunch with Jackie, it was a pretty boring day. I talked to Jackie last night on the phone and she told she had a long conversation with her Mother about me. Jackie said her Mother said that it was okay if she dated me as long her Mom met me. I wouldn't expect anything less, but the problem is that her Mother is still under the impression that I am 18, which I am not. I am 19. Jackie said her Mom thought I was too old as it is, so we'll see how this plays out. I guess it also doesn't sit well with her Mom that I am not a Church going man. Because we all know that that is what makes a person good, spending a couple hours every Sunday in God's house. Think about it, do you know anyone that goes to Church who isn't a good person, of course you don't.(Sorry, thick sarcasm) It's not that I'm atheist, because I'm not. I am technically Agnostic. I'm very open to any ideas anyone has about God. It's just that I'm not going believe in a book that was pieced together by common men from hundreds of books that were supposedly all the word of God. Who were they to choose what we should believe and what we shouldn't. Is there anyone today you would trust to model your life. What would make me think that people were any better two thousand years ago than they are today. I do however like how most Churches focus primarily on trying to teach people to be better people. This is what I believe to be most important in life. Be the best person you could possibly be. Sorry Jackie, I know religion is a touchy subject for you, but this was on my mind all night long. Goodnight and I love you very much.