Aug 17, 2004 14:39
*c u r r e n t*
[current mood] Accomplished and Anxious
[current music] Keith Urban
[current taste] Nothing, I'm not hungry.
[current make-up] None.
[current hair] Just out of bed look. [current annoyance] Nothing really.
[current smell] Fresh Air.
[current book you're reading] Kitchen Confidentials. [current CD in CD player] Kenny Chesney.
[current color of toenails] Don't paint um'.
[current refreshment] Nothin'.
[current worry] Don't want to say.
*l a s t . p e r s o n*
[you touched] Jacqueline.
[you talked to] My Brother.
[you hugged] Jacqueline.
[you yelled at] My Brother.
[you made-out with] Jacqueline.
*f a v o r i t e*
[food] French Infusion.
[drink] Water.
[color] Blue.
[album] Anything Country.
[shoes] Too many to choose from.
[candy] Don't know.
[animal] Don't know.
[tv show] Married With Children, Rescue Me, West Wing, The Shield.
[song] Lonestar - Amazed.
[veggie] Potatoe.
[fruit] Banana.
[cartoon] Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, SpongeBob.
*a r e . y o u*
[understanding] I try to be.
[open-minded] Yes.
[arrogant] Occassionally.
[insecure] Not Normally.
[interesting] I hope so.
[random] Definitely.
[hungry] Not right now.
[friendly] I try.
[smart] About some things.
[moody] The "Teens" are alomost over with.
[childish] Who isn't sometimes?
[independent] Very.
[Hard working] Definitely.
[organized] If I want to be.
[difficult] Probably.
[emotionally stable] Yes.
[attractive] Not Really.
[bored easily] Unfortunately yes. [thirsty] Yep.
[responsible] Yes.
[obsessed] I can get that way.
[angry] Not right now.
[sad] Nope.
[happy] Usually.
[hyper] Don't really get like that.
[trusting] Yep.
*w h o*
[makes u laugh the most?] Matt and Giacamo.
[makes you smile] Jacqueline.
[who do you have a crush on?] Her.
[has a crush on u?] Her, I hope...
[is easiest to talk to] Her.
*h a v e . y o u . e v e r*
[fallen for your best friend] Yep.
[rejected someone] Yep.
[used someone] Nope.
[been cheated on] Not that I know of.
[done something you regret] Who hasn't?
*d o .y o u // a r e .y o u*
[smoke cigarettes] Occassionally.
[obsessive] Occassionally.
[could u live without the computer?] Of course.
[color ur hair] Not anymore.
[ever get off the damn computer] Yep.
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] Not many.
[like watching sunrises or sunset] Of course.
[what hurts the most?] When she's mad at me.
*n u m b e r*
[of times I have had my heart broken] 0.
[of guys I have kissed?] 0.
[of girls I have kissed?] 3.
[of things in my past that I regret?] Can't count that high.
Number Two (ah, you guys are supposed to answer this one)
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?