
Jul 10, 2005 00:07

I havent updated all summer pretty much, its been crazy busy but really fun

I havent done much of anything but hang out w/ friends, its been really nice to not havta drive to dance four days a week, not that I dont love those girls to death, but it was sooo time consuming and its nice to have the break

I've gotten a lot closer to quite a few ppl this summer too which is awesome

and I've realized that most of my friends are complete ass holes and I put up with it...and I dont know why
theyre all nice when theyre alone but once they get around e/o they have to show off how rude they can be and im sick of it, and I'm not gonna deal w/ it anymore, basically because I dont have to
I'm not really mad about it, I'm just not gonna put up with it anymore
so I'm not hanging out with those ppl until they realize that what theyre doing is really immature and stop it

yup thats about it
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