updates (like finally!)

Jun 02, 2009 22:40

Have disabled the auto posting of my tweets to LJ… cos it seems that I tweet more that I post… haha, so you can follow my tweets on twitter and then follow my posts here….

Anyhoos… I haven’t been doing much posting recently, but there are tones of updates!

Firstly, mei is coming back to SG soon! Its good to have her back after such a longggggg break… although she’ll be flying off again for studies… and finally, someone to take over the poop-clearing duties =P

Next, I’m feeling so much happier recently… maybe its because my workload is reducing, or maybe its just psychological… whatever it is, I’m just overall happier =) I should have made the decision long ago… but I guess I’ve gain a lot in terms of experience along the way as well…

There are quite a number of people “moving off” as well huh…

Its honestly not a good time to move, but I guess there are just some things that money can’t buy… not even with a mastercard… =P

I have been making a couple of cakes recently as well… all to mark the farewell of office colleagues… quite sad actually… and I’m now thinking of what cake to bake on my own farewell… wahaha, sadist I know…

But oddly, I’ve realized that I’m enjoying all these little quiet moments I have with myself… like baking and also jogging… probably its really noisy at work, so at the end of the day, I just look forward to quiet times… oh, and also long leisurely baths…

And so, I’m officially unemployed cos I’ve got no backup plan this time… I tried to apply for the position of a “tai tai”, but somehow, my potential “employer” said that he can only afford to employ me next year… that kinda means that I got no job… wahaha =P

That said, I’m glad for the break… cos I haven’t exactly had a break between jobs ever since I started work… and its very timely as well as I’ve got time to plan for the wedding!

Which brings me to the next topic, the wedding invitation cards! We finally met up with a wedding card designer and got our cards designed! She should be sending us the draft in the next few days, and if everything works out well, we should get them in a month’s time!

The cards are pretty expensive, but I suppose its yi fen qian yi fen huo… (hmm… that seems to be my justification for our Photographer, Videographer and jie mei dress) =P

I guess in these hard times, I should be cutting down on the wedding expenses, but its our big day and its only going to happen once in a lifetime! So I’m willing to splurge! Just hoping that the red packets can make up for it… =)

Its not easy setting the invitation list as well… cos some people belong to a “group”… so its like if you invite one, you got to invite the rest… that kinda ballooned the guest list a bit… so we’re hoping to keep it to 35 tables… lets just see how it goes…

One thing’s for sure, it sure feels good to strike off the entire office invitees from my half… figured that i’ll just skip the whole gang… =) but I may have second thoughts and invite the closer ones… we’ll see…

My future in-laws also brought me to buy my 4-pieces of gold already… wahaha! So tai tai can… shopping at Lee Hwa, and I get to pick the pieces that I like (of course within budget la)… I was eyeing this REALLY PRETTY half-tennis bracelet and my future MIL gamely said “ok!”… hahah, know earlier, I should have said I loved the other $6k one =P but cannot be too greedy right…

I felt a little bad burning such a big hole in their pockets…. But we can only do it once right… =P anyway, I opted for a more simple look… classic solitaires instead of those wedding sets… cos I want to wear them after the wedding =P hopefully it’ll go well with my wedding gowns…

Speaking of which, my final fitting before the photoshoot is in 3 weeks!!!  I’m just a little upset that I’ve only got 2 outdoor locations, and both will be in the same gown, sporting the same look (in terms of hair & makeup)… I wonder if I bring my own outfit & my own make-up artist, will the bridal studio allow…

And I’m still not getting it why the studio doesn’t return all photos to the couples… like honestly, how often would the couples go back to re-develop the photos? And why should we pay thousands to get the pictures back in soft copy?

Argh… the ways these bridal company suck our money dry…

Back to the photoshoot… we will be going to unconventional places to do our photoshoot… both of which pending approval from the “landlord”… I have this crazy idea of shooting at the pasar malam, cos that’s our (ok, my) favourite hang out place! =P but it’ll be hard to guess where the night markets will appear during the photoshoot… so guess that’s out…

Was thinking if we should go back to where we first met (in TP)… but that place is very arty-farty, if you know what I mean… but we’ll KIV that location and see how things go… =)

Argh… so many things to think / worry about… but i'm just hoping that the weather will be nice and cooling on the photoshoot day... can't imagine being hot & sweaty =(
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