
May 21, 2009 15:48

The office has been experiencing a series of blackouts ever since we have gone through a round of renovation.

All this is due to the increase of computers and an additional server room to support the operations… but by having a small capacity circuit box (or whatever it is called), the power is just not strong enough to support the electrical needs…

Ok, the purpose of this post is to rant about the reaction of the staff in such “crisis”… I guess people can be classified into 3 groups…

The bo-chap kind (yay! Break time, please take as long as you want to restore the power)

-          needless to say, these are the ones that will disappear and then re-appear hours later… claiming that “I thought the power is still not up”… and they can be found at the nearby coffee shop having their coffee / smoke breaks…

Then you have the very cool kind

-          these are the people who will relax in the crisis and see if they can assist in any way possible, in a calm way…. Which is good, cos they will help the last group of people…

The crazy-unstable group

-          these are the hardest to manage in times of crisis and sadly, most of the office staff belong to this group of people… they are the ones who will curse and swear and then will ask silly questions like “can you get the computers working first? The lights can wait”…

Ever since HR has taken over the Office Admin portfolio, people have been looking for us for the smallest and tiniest things… but sometimes, they forget that we are not the experts in electric works… so it is very hard to give answers like why we need to wait for the technician to arrive and we need to wait yet again for them to resolve the problem…

So what if you work is urgent and important… so is everyone else… but in such times, there is honestly nothing we can do… the office server is also down (duh) and if cannot even power up the computers, how on earth can we access the server?

Tsk tsk…

Even as I’m typing this, the office has plunged into darkness twice… making this at least the tenth time since 9.30 this morning… sometimes its just lucky that I’m working on a laptop…

Then again, I’m hanging on a 31 mins battery life left… *sigh*

*pictures from google images
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