Feb 27, 2008 22:17
went for my first aerobics class today and i'm worn out!
for starters, i haven't exercised since the last Standard Charted race and i can't keep my stamina up for nuts...
so silly me decided to sign up for aerobics... who would have guessed that 90% of my class have attended this series of aerobics before (they probably signed up to keep fit) and there i was, trying very hard to catch up!
the instructor is probably in her 50s and she's even fitter than me! someone half her age!
can't imagine that i was huffing and puffing 10 minutes into lesson!
had an invitation to take part in the Lion City run mid of this year... so probably this would be good practice before the race...
i'm getting bogged down with work everyday... i don't even know if its a good or bad thing... was chatting with stacia today and it occured to me that ever since i started work, all we talk about it the negativities (is there such a word) about work.. it can be really depressing sometimes...
i'm considering if i should switch to the sales line.. thinking back, if i had gone in MLM a couple of years back, where would i be now?... back to the topic... the sales line is a quick way to earn cash fast (commission driven), but yet i hate to do cold calls and 'con people' to buy things that they don't need (think back on how insurance agents are such smooth talkers)..
and since i didn't win the 10 million hongpao draw, i guess hard work is the next alternative to getting more money.. =P