Jun 07, 2007 15:18
maybe one day i was nothing, sometime in their i was surely a slug, then snail, then hermit crab (for a long time). but now i think i'm a conch.
the lady sitting next to me on the bench is wearing merrel sandals and nude stockings underneath.
i think i'd like to go back to being nothing, to sleeping invisible, when you don't feel the sheet is on you because you melted into it, and the air from the fan isn't blowing on you, or past you because you are moving in all directions at the same speed.
oh, i guess i meant to say i was a beam of light (like always). 4 years later in NYC and i all i want again is to travel 299,792,458 meters per second.
anyway, maybe i would do somethings different in between, sit on a different bench making different phone calls, believing in the absoluteness of staying still, not the absoluteness of moving away at a constant velocity.