Oct 30, 2004 01:46

it sucks having my seat in piano class right by the windows that look out directly into the student parking lot. some of the things i see depress me so i was having a shitty day today...er...yesterday. thank god i was seeing mest.
i arrive at the chance around 5:30. surprisingly there weren't that many ppl there. usually kids start to line up about 4 hours ahead of time. i go in to use the bathroom hoping to see someone but no such luck, AND there was no fucking toilet paper. this one girl brought her 6 month old dog in hopes that someone would notice and she'd meet the band...? yea...........so i'm sitting on the loading dock with these other girls and who walks by? MATT LOVATO. he stops because he was waiting for someone so no one had the guts to go up to him. these two girls did and i followed. got a picture and an autograph. not long after mr.JEREMIAH RANGEL comes out too but he was in a bit of a rush. get a picture and an autograph. he said something to matt about how they should have left to get food earlier so they wouldn't be mobbed. some shit like that. NICK GIGLER came out next but he was on his phone so he kept walking. from what some people said, the guys were just walking up and down the street on their phones looking for food. TONY was out but he was on his phone. i didn't get off the line. NICK eventually comes back so i get an autograph and a picture. three down, one more to go. i told nick they kicked ass at irving plaza last year and he said this tour was the shit. at one point these kids go by on skateboards. 10 minutes later a gang of them are running back in the direction they came from because a roadie and a member of hawthorne heights chased them. funny shit. SO ANYWAY, we line up and get in. i go to one of the most awesomest spots. Punchline was up first. i was expecting to be bored but they were actually pretty decent. some guy, i'm guessing a roadie, came on stage for one song with his shirt of and a boa. he was playing a tamborine. later on, one of the guitarists gave out the number to the Super 8 motel they stayed at so we could harrass the dick manager who threatened them. funny. bayside was up next. didn't care. hawthorne heights after them. the pits were nuts. i don't get why kids were throwing out the hardcore moves when it wasn't a hardcore show. tsk tsk. kids. teenagers. so at 11 MEST finally comes on. those silly alcoholics. tony pretty much behaved himself. didn't say that many "fucks". highlights of the set-
1.matt tries to hang tony with his mic
2.tony's crack showed the whole time his shirt was off.
3.tony has an argument with jere about the deftones and finch. "everyone shut up, this rarely happens, jere wants to say something, listen up".says to jere "well you're older and you're a mexican." then says "this song goes out to finch and the deftones, the greatest fucking bands in the entire world".
4.tony asked who worked the smoke machines and told them to keep the smoke coming. he wanted to make it look like the place was on fire. "keep you're finger on the button dude. there's a fire and we're gettin out kids".
5.kids start throwing stuff on the stage so tony said that during the song they were currently playing, to keep throwing shirts on the stage. he tries to catch them with his teeth. bras and boxers were thrown. a pair of boxer briefs made it's way on the stage. "underwear? that's fucked up"
6. matt comes up behind tony during one of the songs and puts the boxer briefs over his head. he wears it for the rest of the song. "this shit smells." before they played...i think cadillac....nick put on all the bras that were on stage.
7. they leave but they do an encore. on the way back onto the stage, tony buts the briefs on matt's head. cousinly love.
it was fucking awesome. they dedicated "jaded" to gc. AND they announced they were gonna play warped this summer. WOO HOO! didn't get to meet tony. :-(. probably went straight to the bar after they finished. nick was the only one that came out and chilled with the kids. at least up until i left.
so now, i take a rest from the concerts, well at least until nov. 15 when i see fucking gc and sum. pissing myself.

oh and i forgot to mention that winnie the pooh was at the soty show. love that guy. dan gave him a shout out. that kid is like fucking famous. the sugarcult kid was there too but no one cares.
goodnight fuckers
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