working girl

Jun 24, 2005 00:20

So I decided today that my job ROCKS because

1. I'm not paid on commission.....'cause that would suck. My sad pathetic excuse for "sales" would come shining through. Sure, I "sold" jerky at the one said I was any only selling technique was hair flipping and eyelash batting, and as convincing as those were, I don't think they would work on the mostly female shoppers at Old Navy.

2. I get to wear JEANS......the job needs nothing more than this simple fact to RULE. Jeans are the essence of my existence. Enough said.

Actually, I haven't worked a lot this week, I'm in my SECOND week of training.....but I can now say how good I am at folding clothes :o) Pretty much I really like the job. It's suprising even me. I just got my schedule for next week, and although some of the days seem a little daunting (like sunday where I work from 8am-10am and then from 1pm to 8pm) but other than that I don't think that I could have found a better job if I had hunted all summer (which would have royally sucked because I thought that I had already perfected that art LAST summer).

As I was folding the multitude of clothing tonight I heard someone ask the LOD (Leader on duty) if he could interview an applicant. It was of course 8pm, not a time when they would normally interview, but I think my LOD did it anyways. Nonetheless it made me think about how lucky I am to already have a job and already be on payroll. Not that I'm scraping for money or anything, but it suddenly reminded me of last summer filling out all those dumb applications and never getting a call back, or getting a call back and having them tell me that it was a "tough sell" because I was leaving for college so soon. Either way, it made me smile. No more fights with mom this summer over the supposed "effort" that I have exuded. No more feeling guilty to be almost 20 and never having a real summer job (besides the Oregon state fair) while I sat in front of the TV for hours. At least now I can sit in front of the TV and feel alright about it because I DO have a job.....yay for that.

Plus, now I can take "having a real job" off of the list of things I have yet to achive. Balancing my check book and filing my own taxes still remain, but never fear.....there's always next year for piddly things like that :o)

Alright, so I'm in a better sue me.
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