Jun 21, 2005 15:12
Last year I just thought I was going through a "phase". I thought that my "anti-social" tendancies of wanting to be alone were merely caused by being at a school too far away from home that was void of all of my "real" friends. I'm just now realizing that maybe it wasn't just because of SPU. Maybe this is who I really am. Maybe I've really just changed. I can't help but wonder, especially since I've gotten home for summer. I spend a lot of my time alone, I leave my phone in my room so that if it rings I don't feel bad for not answering it. I really don't know what happened. It was a lot easier to accept a tendancy that I thought was "temporary" than to accept something that I think might actually be long lasting. I wish I knew.
I have to work again tonight. Continued orientation. I never knew that there was so much to learn about this job, but I guess there is. I don't mind working, and especially not at Old Navy. I think I worry more about the little things. Will I remember all the terms for the different things, will I forget how to "clock in" or even use the register? I remember Jerky Hut, and granted I only worked there for 2 weeks, but I remember several mishaps with the cash register.... I know how much everyone hates new checkers who don't know what they're doing, or anyone who doesn't know what they're doing for that matter. I guess I just worry that I'm going to mess up, and for the first time there won't be someone to fix it for me. When I worked for my dad (the manager) if I made a little mistake I got "talked to", but it wasn't the end of the world. Things will be different now.....and you know how well I tolerate change.