(no subject)

May 31, 2006 17:18

I'm bored.. home alone as usual. Svenn-Olav is working overtime today, and I'm a bit grumpy. He took my car, and I'm not sure he got permission to do that. If he asked me at 05.00 this morning, and I said yes, that's a cheap trick. Everyone knows I'm far off at 05.00.

I became even less happy when I found out we didn't have food. (Ok, we had some soup, but that's it) And I became angry when I managed to spill milk all over the kitchen while making soup. It so not my day today. *Sigh*

I think I'm going home to Ås tomorrow, and stay during the weekend. Svenn-Olav will have to come to Ås on Monday anyway. We're going to Nasjonalt Bilsenter in Oslo Tuesday morning.
I know which car I want. The Chrystler! (http://www.steeringdevelopments.co.uk/Vehicles/voy_blue_small.jpg) It looks so nice! I doubt I get though, it's the hardest one to get. (=The most expensive) I'll be happy if I get a new Mercedes Vito. I do not want the VW Caravelle...
I've seen all the cars now, Svenn and I (and BM, mom and my brother) went to the Selvstendig Liv (Independent Life) fair in Lillestrøm yesterday. Surprisingly, I met almost no one I know. Only Karin, who stood on stand for NHFU. She's not going to Frambu this year either, none of the regulars are. An era is over. Anyway, not too much fancy to look at. Apprently I need to change my Entra. They don't produce them anymore O_o Mine is 5 months old. But now I can get a blue one like I wanted! (I wanted my Entra to be blue, but apparently something went wrong, because it's not)

I still spend most of my day playing WoW, but no so much as before. Vinternatt is now lvl 34 (and trying not to lvl! My quests turns grey too fast) She has also become Corporal ^^

car, wow, grumpy

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