May 10, 2006 20:25
most of the crew have kept their hair, washing it with whatever soap we've had, kate has braided her hair back almost everyday, ed's mop has grown similar to a hedge and done nothing but become matted, dyl hasn't seen the bathroom in weeks where hamish has resolved to remain grooming himself as best he can, linc has opted for a kinfe shaving his scalp as he wages the endless battle of glares against the mirror but still leaves his beard basicaly unchecked. his menacing apearance become somewhat reminicent of a biker. i've kept my stubble in check but unfortuntaly left my hair to become greasy and and long. having left the nicer pats of the internet we'd been forced to ventuer into a new universe through the rabbit whole of our minds, from being lost in the oblivion we'd started with the crew has taken the steps we needed to and finaly rid ourselves of the fan fic word we were running from.
Gary old man had stabd us in the back he was working for the empire he was meant to be our ally we were meant to be comrads and part of the same team, the empire doesn't like close groups we tend to get ideas , as a test he killed currie, as an answer i hit him in the jaw the back of the jaw it dislocated on impact i drew my knife and got a slash in before ed tore me off straight down from the tip off his right shoulder to below his left nipple, my knife still dripping blood in it's under hadn grip when i saw linc rush past ed and use his heel on his fron teeth, gary oldman was a traitor. feeling satisfied for the moment linc and dyl pulled him verticle and straped him to a chair. ed herded us outof the room, dyl yanked his hair taught till he couldn't move his head to escape the bone shattering blow to his nose, the recoil of which served to tear off the scalp dylan had maintaind his grip on. in the hall outside the door we all knew we were dead, in two hours time the clecied check in was required and we couldn't be on this ship, we couldn't be in this system, and most of all we couldn't have the dead body of an imperial captain amoung us.
Ed knew someone, a real hack and slash butcher, her name was jessica although verymuch aspiring jessica was still at the cadarva stage of her surgery, the bodies would be lost in the mass of biological waste that the university produced. even so she'd be proably be under the authorities , this time as a suspect. the registration of the ship shouldn't have been spotted and even so she had no official affiliation with us, the system had wiped our records when we joind they now only existed in the data banks of the imperial archives, they weren't likly to be found or updated unless we did something to raise suspicions, and depressing though it may seem killing a captain doesn't even cause ripples in this galexy anymore , the fact we had no id's would surly ensure our captures by local authorities or atleast force us to remain hidden for the rest of our lives, hardly in a position to cause trouble there.
if we were caught we'd be killed, no trial, no pleas on the spot execution. without id you were a smugler, or a deserter. this meant for us getting caught wasn't an option, before we'd become troops we had all had seperate pasts, and all those pasts had connections, it was rare for someone to join the service clean about as sparse as there were honest cops and thats about as common as pulitzers for an lj.
so that's how it happend, that's why our appearnces and location has changed with lack of proper care provided by the ration of soap that seem unique to citizens, in the slumms there's more grog than hygine, there's real hard knocks and there's no training ground, we jumped in feet first and became slummies.