Abstracts are pouring in for the conference I'm helping organize here in Wollongong. (Check out the website here:
http://revise2010.blogspot.com) We are hearing from a lot of academics, postgraduates, and DJs, but I'm hoping to get some excellent contributions from the vidding community to this event. I've received a few thus far, but if you're interested in coming to the event and speaking about your work, your editing, or vidding trends and styles, I'd love to hear from you! Any vidders who are interested in submitting their vids to be shown at the conference are also welcome. Please just email me a link to where your vid can be found, and a short description of it (like a curated art work).
I'm welcoming any submissions of any kind in terms of style or content. I want this event to be open to non-academics in order to foster some communication between the artists and fans out there and the researchers.
Send your abstracts, submissions, suggestions, etc. to the conference by emailing :
revise2010@gmail.com. If you have any questions, you can contact me separately here on my LJ or by email at