
Jan 28, 2011 12:20

Every Thursday after-hours some of my co-workers go to the nearest bar to have some post-release beer. I join them once in a while.

One time, we leave work, it's windy and raining, and so I say: "when I moved to California, they told me it's warm and sunny here... why did they lie?"
One of the guys asks: "Oh, where did you move from?"
I say: "from Seattle".
Another guy states: "yeah, that would explain the accent".
I say: "well, before that I lived in New York, maybe that can explain my accent."
"No, that explains your attitude" - he gets back at me.
Then the first says: "and if before New York you were from Florida, then that would explain the work ethics, too…"

Cheers to all Seattleites, New Yorkers and Floridians out there!

Another time, we're sitting in a bar, I'm bitching that my manager wants me to get a phone through the company so that I could be gotten a hold of in the odd hours of my personal life, and one of the guys asks: "so would it be appropriate to say that you will be an on-call girl?.."

I love this place!

en-us, в-печать-лень-и-я, мои самые

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