Jul 17, 2006 19:51
Our truck got repo'd. Yes. This is the SECOND vehicle we've had repo'd in the last year. Life sucks - bigtime. However, this company is reasonable, and as long as we can come up with the money for our past due payments and the repo fees, we can have the truck back.
But that requires Nate to be WORKING. Which he is not. Again. He couldn't find a hand to help him out that he could TRUST to take the relief drilling job I posted about earlier *at least I -think- I posted about it earlier.... so he couldn't take the relief drilling job. And since his boss was fired, that left him without a job.
I went back to the hospital here in town and applied again. They never told me that I was not allowed to work there anymore, just that I had to wait for the management to change over. Which it has done. SO I applied today. I talked to the ER manager and the med/surg manager - who remembered me, but was a staff nurse when I last worked there. She was all excited over me living in town and being easy to fit into the schedule... yay.
I'm off to a nursing home interview in 30 minutes and have another tomorrow. I'm hot. It's been 100+ degrees for the last week. *sighs*
And on top of that I just got notice that my paid LJ account dies in about 10 days. Of course, I have no money to renew it *sighs* Oh well, I will get that treat back later.....
Off to interview I go. Wish me luck!