Aug 11, 2011 11:16
Two weeks ago I finally gave in and went to the beauty shop. They cut off about 8 inches of way too thin, split ended gray hair and waxed off my beard. I feel like the old lady from the Golden Girls, "You wake up one morning and realize you look like Yasser Arafat."
Waxing hurts. I mean it HURTS!! But, it was over quickly so I guess it's better than tweezing and I stayed relatively whisker free until day before yesterday. I have an appointment Saturday morning for a perm and a facial. I have more blemishes on my face than I had as a teenager. Who knew one could have wrinkles and pimples at the same time?
The hot, dry weather has kicked up some allergen which is playing havoc with my sinuses and other mucus membranes. The last two mornings I look like I'm recovering from a two day bender. This sucks.
Spent yesterday watching I, Claudius on YouTube. Someone downloaded the entire episodes which made for enjoyable viewing. Such great acting and writing.