Sep 02, 2005 09:52
I've put a few San Fransisco pictures in my gallery...if you look at my user info there is a section called photos..they are in there....
Today I'm heading up to Bristol to see Amanda and Louisa....Espn is throwing an employee picnic and I'm gonna go with them....should be fun....
So I really don't like my nurse manager sometimes....yesterday Donna, one of the Aides came in and talked to her about going to New Orleans to assist....she is letting DOnna anyways I was talking with another aide at work saying I want to go and volunteer my services...well Paula comes over and gets all pissed off saying that no one else is going....there is no way she is gonna let us go...I seriously can't believe her...she is so two faced..she acts like she cares so much for people..but yet she's not willing to let people from 5.2 go down and assist....even for a week...that is so fucking unbelieveable.
Another thing that is really pissing me off is this whole "press ganey" shit. Press ganies are these quality improvement surveys that get sent out to anyone who has any sort of service at the hospital or one of their out patient facilities. They get sent back to a company who reviews all the data and sends the hospital back a report saying which areas need improvement. THey are broken down in different ways and one of the ways is by floor. This compares the differnt floors against each other. Well somehow 5.2 scored the lowest of the floors. Paula is freaking out because it makes her look bad. We all know for a fact that 5.2 provides the best care throughout the hospital. We go above and beyond for our patients and now Paula is saying that isnt enough..let me just explain one thing....out of 200 surveys that were sent out only 28 were all this shit is being based on 28 fucking surveys....not to mention that the only people that ever answer those things do it to complain because its one of the easiest ways to. So now Paula has turned into a nursing Nazi and is trying to enforce a three minute rule...all call lights and alarms need to be answered within 3 minutes....sure that might seem reasonable to someone who doesn't work in the hospital but when its short and we only have 5 nurses and one aide for 30 makes shit difficult. Also she expects us to get patients pain medication to them within three minutes....its just not possible...when someone asks for something for pain that does take priority but if you are in the middle of doing something..its damn hard to just stop to get pain medication...its just so fucking irritating....Paula is now tying the hospital freebies in a bag with a fancy if you come to L&'ll get your toothbrush and emesis basin in a fancy little aint that some shit right there!! I love my job as a nurse....I do whatever I can for my patients....I'm not all rushed and flustered to get things done on time...that just isn't possible...yesterday I had meds to give at about 5:00...but I was in a room with my patient talking about the news...I love talking with older learn so much from them....the other day right before the hurricane hit land I was taking care of this 80 year old man....he was telling me all about the hurrican of 1939. He was 18 and had to walk home from school in it...he said they had no warning....alot of the elderly have no one to talk to and being in the hospital can be almost a comfort....there's a warm meal and people to talk to