Arianwen and I have obviously made things up since the
last time I wrote in here, though I'm still annoyed about the way she treated Annie at the beginning of term and even more annoyed that she still insists she didn't have a choice about it. I wonder what Artisson would have done if one of the Weasleys had ended up in his ward back then?
Anyhow. Pomfrey's on a tear. She let Aurélien Jeannot out and while it's never pleasant to look after someone who thinks your first name is Mud and your last name is Blood whenever you aren't actively taking care of him, I don't think the danger to him has passed. We've put Myrtle to bed and she's asleep for now. Arianwen and I are going to try to explain about everything later tonight. I tried to tell Pomfrey before that Arianwen might laugh at Myrtle when Myrtle does something that's funny but she really does know the difference between funny and not--I hope she understands that now but I think she's too angry that we've been holding things back. I'd try and explain about Arianwen and Artisson, but Poppy doesn't want to hear anyone's side of that but Corinne's and of course Corinne never cared about Artisson much. (It will be hard to think of him as Malfoy, but then there's that firstie who looks just like him and he's a Malfoy, so I can't say I'm surprised. Then again, I really don't know what it's supposed to mean to be a Malfoy, except that they hate the Weasleys.)
I'm glad Will's on the Squad now, even if I do know whose doing it is. I hated not being able to tell him things.