Jul 29, 2005 06:04
For the last few months I have been stopping in at Sobey’s after my evening shift or on the weekends. I had been subtly flirting with one of the cashiers there. I would have done a bit more than subtle but my friend Lynn is constantly venting about all the guys that hit on her when she is working at Short Stop. This strategy seemed to be paying off as we were talking more and more with each visit. One day she shows me the pictures of trip and tells me that she is training to be in Primerica. After a bit of humming and hawing I agree to let her do a financial needs analysis on me. After I had agreed to do that we went out for coffee and started to get to know each other and of course she was in love with someone so we became friends. Before we had the meeting to go over my finances they broke up but by that time I was already thought of as a friend which is the story of my life. The good news is that I’m on track with my retirement savings. I was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t try to get me to join up with Primerica during the financial needs analysis. They did mention it and tried to have me go to the weekly recruiting meeting. I had played with lots of financial tools on line and with the retirement books they give you with your group RRSPs. I still learned a few things and had confirmed that I was on track. I can’t see myself flogging Primerica in my spare time so I wasn’t too keep about going to the weekly meeting but the Cute Sobey’s Girl AKA Ashley wanted to bring someone so I went. Even if I had the motivation to go out and sell Primerica during my spare time I don’t think that I could handle the ‘go team’ super cheerful attitude that they all have or the inspirational weekly recruiting meetings.