Quite a few students have been complaining of their books being confiscated. I would like to inform them that an official list does, in fact, exist. I've typed it up for you
A Clockwork Orange
American Gods
Battle Royale
Brave New World
Catcher in the Rye
Ender's Game
Fahrenheit 451
Good Omens
Handmaid's Tale
Heart of Darkness
His Dark Materials (series)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Looking for Alaska
Lord of the Flies
Silence of the Lambs
The Bluest Eye
The Jungle
The Lords of Discipline
The New Joy of Gay Sex
The Prince
Things Fall Apart
All books recieved so far that were not on this list have been returned. If you find yourself missing a book that does not appear on this list, please comment and we will either return the book to you, or add it to the list.
This list is subject to addition at any time.