Wayside Woes

Aug 31, 2009 23:23

So, I decided to pick up my rainbow'd ass, and move it to the real world. Dispite the fact that I still feel like I've been put in captivity, with no friends, sans the ones in California, I don't mind it too much. We've got a mall, and plenty of places to search for my kind. There is no ebbing tide to the life here. I always hear birds, and children playing, maybe not with each other, but you get it.

I simple adore the heat! It's beautiful during the spring and fall. It gets rather cold during the winter - but summer is torture. The humidity easily reaches 60%. If you don't know what humidity is, it's the crap that makes you sweat without doing anything. For instance, I've been sitting here, typing, and already have started to glow a bit. It's 11:30 at night.

My biggest fear also chased me around today. We've got coach roaches the size of kittens, down here. I probably screamed loud enough to wake the dead, but it was gross! I love snakes, and spiders, and I adoorreee most bugs, except these things! My neighbors ran back to find me, thinking I was raped, or something. I was fine, especially after they killed it for me. Hahaha.

Anyway, I've been acitively looking for a job. So far, no real bits. But, I don't mind it at all. The chase is as much fun as the catch! Through I admit, people telling you 'no,' can be deserning. Thank God I'm so friggin' upbeat and bubbly. Otherwise, I might take this stuff personally. Hahaha. I still have it better than you California kids! We're actually hiring people out here!

Today, I went to go outside, because it turns out our neighbors are not only slobs, but have terrible taste in weed and music! I've never smoked the stuff myself, but just as you get to know different tobaccos from being around smokers, I learned from my boyfriend. Dude. This stuff goes in my window, I feel like gagging. It's nastttyyy. And, I can appiericate some gangster rap - but none like this. He doesn't even turn the bass up. It's all tremble. It's icky, I tell you.

But, the kicker? The old man's younger son LITTERS. I swear to God, he walked to his Jeep, looking at him, took a sip from his 32 ounce cup of shit, and threw it! My jaw dropped! I honestly yelled, "What the fuck?!" Within five minutes, I had my shoes on, and was out there picking up their yard. Their dad was watching me (which I didn't realize until I finished), and giggled at me, when I noticed. I was a triffled embarressed, but no one is going to stop me from saving what I love.

Now, stuff you want to know about! How to Save the Erf, one easy step at a time! Girls, next time you're flirting with a guy, know that if they want in your pants that much, they'll do anything. Be all sultry, and say, "I just loveee recycling," or even, "it makes me cry when I see trash on the ground. I live here too." They get the message. I'd even say throw in some cleavage! Silly - but if it works. ;D

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