Oct 11, 2007 12:09
On a scale of 0-10 on Doom-n-Gloom Omens...
How bad is it to get stung by a bee on the NECK (like, RIGHT where it hits the shoulder) three hours before a HUGE!!!ASS exam?
...Pretty bad, you say?
I thought so.
ETA: So as a follow-up to the above entry, lemme tell you how bad it REALLY went:
It turns out I wasn't stung by a bee. I was stung by a yellowjacket. Yeah, those asshole wasps. I didn't realize it until half my body broke out into hives/rash. I had to run to Student Health to get me some Benadryl--and possibly steroids. This was an hour BEFORE the exam.
Luckily, I only needed the Benadryl.
UNLUCKILY, I've never had Benadryl before, so I completely forgot that it can make you drowsy.
So, ten minutes into my exam, I start feeling ridiculously drowsy, and this is in addition to the flu-like feeling going on in my head due to the sting. My neck is throbbing, because of COURSE wasp stings hurt like a MO-FO, and I'm constantly shifting and jittery because the only thing on my mind is scratching my body until the skin falls off due to the hives/rash.
Needless to say, I could barely focus on the exam.
I think I need to drop the class.
Because honestly, this is perhaps the WORST test I've ever taken.
Sure, I've bitched before about difficult exams. That's natural. I complain a lot.
But NEVER EVER EVER have I walked out of an exam wanting to cry.
I haven't felt that inept...EVER.
::sigh:: Yeah, I'm not quite sure how to go about this. Do I email the professor? I probably should, huh?
real life,