Mar 24, 2010 11:14
I had a pokemon dream last night WHOAA maybe because i played HeartGold until my battery ran dry yesterday, haha.
Basically it was winter-time and I was at my house. It actually wasn't a Pokemon dream at first. I was getting ready to go out because Paul, Alex, Amber, Spoink and I (everyone except Paul has gotten HGSS recently huh...XD) were heading off to this cool tournament I didn't know much about. So I finished getting ready and they were here, yay, we were soo excitedd :I We drove for what seemed like forever, and we got to this really really big house and sat down on a stadium-style bench outside with a lot of other kids our age and a bunch of other kids battled it out on the actual stadium floor. I guess they didn't actually count the battles that were going on down there because it was just little kids physically fighting, like, pretending to be Pokemon...Just like at the shitsu-party recently...?!?! XDDD
But then, once the little kids were gone, this really tall old guy came up. And do any of you remember the tri-wizard tournament or whatever it was called from harry potter and the goblet of fire? Suddenly, all of us were in a tournament like that BUT it was BIGGER, like, all of the challenges mixed together. It was this huge huge scary-ass maze, with a water section and a monster section and it was just WOW REALLY COOL but scary. And we had to choose one pokemon to follow us, one of our own. I reached down on my belt and sure enough I had my pokemon with me??? COOL~~~ Paul used a gyarados, Alex used a metang, Amber used her pidgeot (POOPOO!!!), Spoink used a ditto and I used my hypno. There were a hell of a lot of other trainers there too.
The actual maze-tournament thing was scary and a blur, sortof, for me. I remember I used hypno's telekenesis to get past most of the problems, because I couldn't swim, I couldn't climb, I'm pretty fail physically like that haha. I even finished first. It was crazy. I kindof felt like I cheated, in the dream, but I was really happy. Only about 10 trainers made it to the next round. It was us 5, and then some other kids, one of which seemed really mean...
The next day, the next set of rounds happened. It was just battling, but you had to fight alongside your Pokemon. But... I had to fight the first round of battles. And I was against... Amber, I think it was. I remember staring across the field and reaching for Hypno's pokeball again, but I turned to the judge, and I asked them a pretty simple question. I asked, "Are you only supposed to use your pokemon once? as in, you have to use a different pokemon next round?". And he kindof just glared at me and said "Yes, that is how this goes, or at least, how its supposed to."
So I looked back at Amber, and I remember everything was really bright and overwhelming. She had sent out something. I didn't even remember. But for some reason I couldn't remember what my other pokemon were, and I started getting dizzy. People were shouting at me. and I was just going through my pokemon in my head, then deciding I didnt actually have them, what if I didn't have those with me?
It was really weird how confused I got.
And suddenly, I fell forward, and fainted?...
I remember waking up and facing the person who was going to take my place. He was that mean kid I didn't like. And he said something a normal rival in the games would say, something rude about how weak I am. I grabbed him by the throat, and yelled at him. I was dragged off the field and disqualified because of it, and I remember the dream ending with me saying "I guess I just can't fight against friends"...
wtf I don't know. It was such a weird dream to me...XD