
Jul 21, 2007 16:29

This morning I shaved Jason's head. Not as a prank while he was asleep, but because he'd been thinking about doing it for a while, and was whining that he spent too much time at work to make to to the barber. I think the bald look is super sexy on him (think Patrick Stewart - hot!), but his first reaction was that he looks like a convict. Oh, well, at least he comments that it's a lot cooler now.

I'm sort of adjusting to not spending any time with him during the week, which is sort of sad. Most of my nights are spent talking on the phone to my sister, reading, or grabbing a bite with a friend, because Jason goes to bed shortly after he arrives home. It's weird to realize that we saw each other more when we worked opposite shifts (but that was before all his work drama started). He's struggling with the job search thing. He's not comfortable quitting right now (which is what I encouraged him to do after a 16.75 work day), and honestly, as much as I'd love for him to leave the job that is unhealthy and stressful, I think the fear of "what am I going to do with no job when the bills arrive?" could be pretty damn stressful as well. But it's hard to do a good job search and be at your best for an interview when you're exhausted from mandatory overtime in a hot plant.

He's taking a nap right now. We had a great morning of hot sex, then grabbed lunch and ran a few errands. But that movie we were going to see this afternoon is out because he has just crashed completely. I'll probably wake him within the hour, otherwise he won't sleep tonight. Tomorrow after church, I'm meeting a friend for lunch and to go see Hairspray. I can't help it; a film with singing and dancing, and I'm there. Of course, Jason likens musicals or movies with song and dance to hell, so I'm hoping he'll use the time I'm gone to search for a new job. *Fingers crossed*
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