Jul 13, 2004 18:38
sorry to all i have been an asshole to for the past couple of weeks. i have been in a mood that just wont go away and i just dont know what the hell is going on with me. i have said shitty things to my close friends that i regret. but i cant change it now. i feel like i have fallen into a black hole and come out with no memory or feelings. this sounds like a dr. phil or oprah episode. i dont know what to do or who to turn to. i think i have pissed them all off or they just dont want to talk to me. so maybe some day those people may forgive me for the shit i say and do. myabe those doctors were right, medication maybe the cure for me. im still not going to take that shit. in closing i guess alli really want to tell these people is sorry im just not my normal self lately.