So... I'll keep this brief, just in case. Oh, and no spoilers.
In no particular order, and twitter style:
1) Job doesn't go well. We don't have many customers. Bosses already speaking of firing more people... Duh. No good. And yet, I'm not really worried... Wonder if that's bad.
2) I've discovered twitter. THAT'S BAD.
3) I've finished a drawing! YAY!
4) I gave my grandma one of my girls, Sarah Jane. She loves her more than I do...
5) Yesterday afternoon I hurt my shoulder in a bookstore, trying to reach a Doctor Who Magazine. Sad but true.
6) After seeing last friday's (more like saturday's, because they filmed until 5 am) pictures, I realize I'm going to cry all the tears I didn't at Journey's End. Oh shit.
7) This week I realized that I'm starting to develop firstDWseries!Rose's fashion sense. And I have photos to prove it.
8) I'm very excited by the Denmark/UK trips :D
9) I miss Merlin. And Galactica. And Torchwood.
10) And I've also realize that I DON'T WANT TO WATCH CHILDREN OF EARTH. I don't want bad things to happen. And I know they will. I have a ver bad feeling about this...
11) I won't believe that last DW rumour until I read it in The Sun XD
12) 'Norway won because the guy looks like the one in High School Musical' is the BEST COMMENT EVER. FTW! XDDD
13) I hate football. HATE IT MUCH. But... Felicitats, Barça! Even if your hooligans didn't let me sleep until 3 am... *grrr*
14) New photos here: That's it. I think I covered it all... :)
And a favour: What do you think I should do to try to start drawing again? I just... don't feel like it. But I should. And... any suggestions? Plot bunnies? Yummy photos to get me inspired? XD