That 5-things meme

Feb 20, 2009 18:28

Today's association meme Five Things ganked from roxyk630 
The rules, once again:

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.


If you say so... :P
I don't know, it just... happened... When I finished school, and started my final project... I got this MASSIVE art block. It lasted more than a year, until I discovered Torchwood (and that made me rediscover Doctor Who), and started drawing like mad, again. No idea why, but ever since, I've only drawn chibis and it is very difficult for me to draw anything else.

2. Japan
I love it. Ever since I was very little, I remember having these book at home of '100 wonders of the world', and one of those was a garden in Kyoto, with the typical red bridge... And I fell in love with it. Being there (in Japan) just reinforced the sentiment, even if some of the people I went there with made those holidays one of the worst ever.

3. Blythes and Pullips
My friend Judith got me into Blythe like... three years ago? I bought a lot, couldn't help myself... But everything started way before, like 5 years ago, at the Barcelona Manga Con, they had this doll exhibition, and I fell in love with Paja (, and yes, it's a Pullip in a fuzzy Godzilla suit...)
I bought some Blythe first, but Paja will always have a very special place in my heart. And umm, well, when I noticed, I already had more than ten dolls with me ^^UUU

4. Romana
I have this HUGE girl crush on her. My first episode: City of Death. Could any companion get cuter than her? Sarcastic, at the same time? More intelligent? She's the Time Lady of my dreams.

5. Spain
I'm from there, yes, even if I feel more 'catalan' than 'spanish'. No idea why, just feel like that. (I don't want Catalonia's independence, just in case you're wondering. I don't really care about that XD).
I don't identify myself with the topics of the country; I hate flamenco and bullfighting, never do any siesta and even if I like rice very much, I prefer other ways to prepare it than the typical paella. Not that I identify myself more with the sardana (catalan typical dance) or Montserrat or things like those but... Well, umm.
And I love love love Asturias and Galicia and I think the Alhambra is stunning.

6. *bonus* Roxy squee! :D
It just... happens? XD

roxy, paja, blythe, japan, meme, spain, romana

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