Apr 06, 2008 13:17

Thank you, Torchwood.

You've spoiled me rotten, that you did... Even if I already knew RTD isn't that good as a writer... I... sort of expected... more? for the first chapter of the new DW series.

That said, I enjoyed it, because OMG, it's the Tenth Doctor we're talking about, and I have a HUGE soft spot for him, but still...

Things I liked:

- DAVID. He's AWESOMESAUCE, as ever.

- Donna. I liked her, back at the Christmas Special, but I was a little bit afraid she would still be the same all throughout the series... ANd she's not :) I thinks she's going to be OK, more than OK! I just don't want her KILLED. Please :(

- The adipose, cute little things (Even if I'm fearing a selling-DW-plushies plot underneath it all)

- The Doctor admitting he was shit to Martha. At last!

- That cameo. It really took me by surprise! I didn't expect it! And that was right.

- Rose's jacket. Beautiful. Ever since I saw the filming photos, I've wanted one like that... <3 (I know this is not related to the plot, but still, I liked so few things about the episode I feel I have to compensate somehow...)

- Donna's luggage. OMG! Loved those bags. Want ones like those, too. (Yes, yes, not related either. I know)

Things I didn't like:

- Was it me, or it's too slow paced? :(  (Aaaah, hunting weevils with Jack and Ianto have ruined me for TV shows, really)

- That "we're going the same way and through the same steps but we never meet thing" was far too long. It was nice at the start, but really, got quite... annoying, in the end. Didn't really work for me, sorry.

- The adipose. I found it quite stupid. And it made me go all WTF?!!? And Donna's comment about killing them? And the Doctor changing (since TRB)? WTF? Those things hadn't done anything, unlike the Racnoss! (Remember, they had eaten Lance!) COME ON RTD!!!!!!!!!

- The Doctor admitting he was shit to Martha. GO TELL HER INSTEAD OF DONNA, YOU IDIOT!

- That cameo. Yes, it got the surprise effect. Time will tell me wrong, but I don't think it was a wise move, regarding this series arc... even if it sparkled a LOT of questions, I don't think RTD will be able to pull this one. Another Ghost Shift?* Let's blame Torchwood all over again? Coooooome ooooooon!!! *eyeroll*

- Was there any reason for that STUPID plot? I mean, really? It sounded TOO LAME, even for Who.


(*Of course, now I'm fearing another wall scene... Not fearing the beach scene, because I'VE SEEN PHOTOS, hence I know I'M GOING TO GET ANOTHER OF THOSE ARRGGHHHH, but really, do we need another Doomsday??? I'm really annoyed by this, been for some months, actually. I just need to let it out of my system)

Sorry for the ramblings, but I need to do it. It's like an exorcism, or something. Need to do the whining, you know how these things are...

And this said... the only thing I really really want to see is...


So we half-know there will be Cybermen by Christmas, right?
And Eve said they're not going to be on s4, right?
And someone said Gareth had filming this month, right?


Dear Santa,

bring me TORCHWOOD vs CYBERMEN: THE REVENGE for Christmas, pretty please.

I could do with a few laughs, right now... ;)

And Ianto+Doctor=HAPPY NURI! :D

I hate spoilers spaces.

EDIT: Just to say that, really, I love the person who writes the Captain's Blog at the BBC America. Really. All my fangirl love goes to him/her <3

doctor who, torchwood, babbling, s4

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