Title: Die To Live Fandom: Godchild Pairing/Characters: Implied Coffin Maker (Grifford)/Marjorie Rating: PG Genre: Drama Word Count: 343 Summary: He would die to let her live.
Oh wow, Godchild fic is so rare, and good Godchild fic even more so. This was one of my favorite pairings for the whole series. And this phrase, "where he brought her flowers instead of bodies," is just so very pretty and poignant.
The lack of Godchild fic that isn't Riff/Cain (which don't get me wrong, I adore, it just gets old after awhile) is rather depressing, with so many unexplored pairings out there! I loved Marjorie and 'Mr. Coffin Maker's relationship so much, haha.
Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you liked it.
Comments 2
Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you liked it.
That's my favorite line too. :)
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