Title: Proof
Pairing: 6996
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Prompt: the proof of living that you gave me from
31_daysWord Count: 192
Look at your hands, he says, see the flesh God has given you.
Chrome believes that pastor knew nothing of God.
God doesn’t give you simply flesh, a body of blood and bone and skin and muscle then leaves it empty, expecting you to fill it up. God takes those hands he has created into his own and gives you Purpose.
God takes you into his arms and whispers your name in your ear, tells you your role and your fate. You are his vessel, and forever are you bound to him, by the very body he possesses. Should you ever fail, you are no longer needed. God doesn’t give you greater hopes than you can attain. God is honest and firm, a hand both gentle and cruel as he pulls your strings.
Have faith in God, and he shall comfort you.
God does not rely on Faith. Faith is fickle, subjective. God believes in obedience. And you give it to him in droves, because he’s the only one who has ever asked for anything.
God is beneath your skin, the skin that he gave you.
That pastor knew nothing of God.