Jul 31, 2008 09:40
Dear The Universe,
I finished the bar exam. This brings my three year law school adventure to a close....for now. And my tentative february plans notwithstanding, I woke up today feeling like, yeah, here it is - a start from scratch.
The exam was diabolical. Instead of hammering us with the tricky issues that we have been studying for months, the examiners threw a wrench in the works by giving us - get this - easy questions. Which is why it hurts so much that I messed them up. In fact, the first quarter of the exam was perversely ironic - all three questions covered basic law school doctrines that at one point or another I was a master of. And yet, like magic, I couldn't muster up a decent rule for any of them. I am accepting submissions for any sayings, aphorisms, words of wisdom that will soften the sting for the next few months. So far I've got: C'est la vie, such is life, all in a day's work, live long and prosper, and this too shall pass.
No news on the job front. I am still waiting to hear back from a particular New York City public defender society that recently suffered a major budget cut. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, even though I have been told they are not hiring. And even though my internship office mate and a law school classmate who was interviewed by my internship supervisor both got offers already. And even though like every major law firm in the city has slashed jobs in the past few weeks, diluting the pool and increasing competition. C'est la vie, et al, inter alia.
There is always a flipside. Today I begin a month of little obligation and much aspiration. I am truly blessed for that, no if's, and's or but's about it.
law school