Stuck between Rock and a Country Place

Sep 03, 2007 11:56

77 & Granite is going to be your new favorite band, I promise. This is a geeky band update.

Avi and I made several radical, rocksome decisions yesterday. Firstly, we Went Electric. As in, we drove to Sam Ash guitar store and bought some cables and equipment, and then performed our songs on electric guitars rather than the acoustic/bass combo we were using previously. To what end? a rocksome one. what do you think:

The other decision we made, I think wisely, was to scrap the slide I was using on "searching." We spent the rest of band practice yesterday retooling the song. the main difference is that the riff I played on the slide is now played without a slide, and it sounds totally sonic youth/noise rock. I was playing on Avi's guitar, which has a nice warm tone (for guitar geeks, it is a Gibson standard, with dual humbucker pickups), but I am so anxious to hear how it sounds on my own guitar (cheap n' nasty Fender stratocaster, all hum and no buck.)

As a result, we brought this song much closer to the other material we had been working on, and really started to develop a coherent sound. like country clay molded into city concrete. Its more noise-rock, which puts a shit-eating grin on my face, and also more bass-heavy. I added background vocals in an airy way. BUT: We still need a drummer! I mean, seriously, we can't record ALL our songs using a freeware drum machine, can we?

77 & granite

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