Dec 12, 2009 15:48
Saturday, December 12th 2009 at 2:41am
I'm almost done typing up Walrus's play. Which is good, since I want it finished, printed, cased, and wrapped by Wednesday's writer's meeting.
Paladin: I really missed her. When she moved, I dropped into a real depression. My relationship with her is a lot like the way you'd expect someone to have with a really close sibling. I'm very open with her and trust her, although I'll keep your secrets safe. I actually think you two would get along well.
Me: The closest to a sort of friend like that I have is Squirrel, but my friendship with him in maintained purely online, so either of us moving wouldn't affect it in the least.
Squirrel and I had a joke of a relationship when I was thirteen. It never went anywhere, and he was quite contemptuous of my antics I believe. Time passed and I lost interest in him, and stopped trying to keep in contact, but conversely, he suddenly started having interest in me over years. So the IMs continued and got more and more in depth until we had nothing left to hide from each other.
And then ... over a year ago now, when I was talking on cam (he was typing; he never used his cam, and that's actually why I have the second one, he gave it to me) he told me I should play with myself on cam, and I said I wouldn't do any such thing, but then teased the crap out of him anyway... He ended up bribing me, saying he'd get me a very large xmas present. So I named my price; I wanted the Starcraft board game. And so... yeah. lol.