It's a week and a half until the most amazing event of the year. No, I don't mean Halloween; it is of course Nanowrimo! I have been assigned a team in
nanoljers and I am part of Team Calliope! Furthermore, I now officially have a fledgling plot, written down next to endless doodles of my changeling main character, who resists all attempts of being named. Second MC is also both nameless and faceless, but they both seem happy enough. Hopefully I have enough of a solid idea to reach 50,000 words this year, though I fear it won't be my imagination that will cause my downfall, but rather the numerous looming deadlines for essays. Also, I stupidly stupidly started reading a book, despite the warnings given to me by Cieria. My defense is that it is one of the novels upon which the TV series Bones was based and it is very interesting. However, I will not lay down and be defeated before I've begun; while I'm not coughing I am able to be optimistic and happy.
To keep limber for November, here is today's oneword.
"I stalled him once more, desperate for him not to enter the room. My body blocked the doorway, a determined hand keeping the handle turned into the lock. It would be my blood on the floor if I erred in my task; I had let him slip past the first portal, and here was my last chance to save myself."