Just took apart an old bookcase that we didn't want anymore, and rather than waste the wood we decided to keep it for the fire in the winter. One piece was too big for the wood store by the house so I had to take it down to the rotting wooden shed right at the bottom of the garden. I always look cautiously through the open door way before I go in because it's the perfect abode for rats and bats (and sometimes the neighbourhood's cats). This time I saw a pile of wood dust around some of the large logs in there. I stupidly didn't think much of it, and threw the plank in.
Cue wasps, disturbed by my noisy appearance, swarming out of the end of a chewed-up log.
Exit me, running back to the house.
It reminds me of the time I was chased round the garden by a hornet, and of the several hornets we've encountered in the house. I don't like having to kill them because they are quite beautiful, but when they are on the toilet door, and you are desperate, fly spray is the only way.
++Just looked up hornets and found out something very interesting:
bees can kill hornets by cooking them!