It was one of the best sets I ever had! And as it relaxed during the day, the inadequacy of the cut became clear.
Picture proof!
Right after brushing out. I LOVE the halo effect! It frames and softens the length and angularity of my face and jaw.
A bit squared off in the back, but it's not terribly obvious. If the quality was better, the prettines of the curls would be more obvious.
Now, at the end of the day. Much longer! I'm used to this amount of relaxing, especially on a humid day. My hair is honestly longer than ideal for 1940s. Still, this is longer than I want, especially just after a cut. I guess I'm still scared of it getting too short.
I really dislike this look. All that shows is my nose and jaw. Not that I dislike them, but it just brings them into more prominence.
This seems a lot more balanced.
There they are! Corners! No halo effect at all. Just a long rectangale.
I think I'm getting it cut again tomorrow. I hope I don't go too short, but I'm not happy with this.