Another productive day!

Aug 16, 2014 21:37

I stayed up late again last night, and slept late again as well. But I got up and mowed the lawn in the heat (90 degrees or so). Then I did more laundry, including washing some woolens; folded remaining laundry; put away the costume stuff; put away the rest of my new acquisitions (particularly hats); and put away/tidied most of the sewing stuff that I took or has been out. I then made a batch of breakfast muffin; ran to the Container Store for some more stackable drawers for further organizing costume stuff and some more hangers; spent a delightful time getting interesting sweets from the bulk section at Central Market; fixed my airplane lamp; did some online stuff; researched flights; experimented with my new Tissot boots (I need to move the buttons over because they're too loose); and went through the accumulated mail.  I also discovered that Retro TV shows two hours of original Doctor Who on Saturdays... and despite never having actually seen any episodes, I was very proud of myself for recognizing what it was within five minutes. ;)

And now I feel like playing a computer game...

That's all!

home life, life

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