I went ahead and cut out two shifts (one for me, one for M.) on Monday night. I'm going to seam the back on mine because I hate how much fabric is wasted with the S&S cutting layout. Grr. When I do my 18th century shift, I'm using the cutting layout from Costume Close-Up. That looks so neat.
I ordered the Mantua Maker drawers pattern. I also threw in the long stays pattern in as well, because I've been eyeing it for years anyway. I guess she's based in Texas - better be, because I had to pay sales tax!
And I also bought white drill from Hobby Lobby to make short stays. I wish I'd know or thought to check there, back when I was getting supplies for
Atlanta to make my 1860s corset. Then I'd have an all-white corset, instead of white sateen cover and unbleached drill inside! :p
I'm still up in the air about what to use for the petticoat skirts, though. I'm using Pimatex for the bodices, but the skirts are holding me up.
While at Hobby Lobby, I checked their Kona cotton. It is the famed Robert Kaufman stuff, just like what I remembered at Joann, and I still don't like it! :/ I tried, I really tried. But it looks coarse, it feels heavy and non-drapey, and feels rough to me. I'm sure it's great for quilting and more ordinary clothing, for sure. Keep in mind that I've been working with nothing but pimatex and lawn and voile for a long while, too. I went back to
Dharma Trading Co., too, trying to find some more info. (Unfortunately, they didn't have batiste to compare, or buy.)
Pimatex: 3.7 oz/sq yd thread count 133x72
Broadcloth: 3.5 oz/sq yd thread count 133x72
Lawn: 2.5 oz/sq yd thread count 90x88
Voile: 1.9 oz/sq yd thread count 80x72
Muslin*: 4.0 oz/sq yd thread count 78x78
Kona: 4.4 oz/sq yd thread count 60x60
It's not just me being prejudiced; Kona really is both heavier and coarser than what I want to use for these petticoats. It's heavier and coarser (slightly) than even Dharma's "economy" muslin. To be sure, that's a good thing when one needs a sturdy medium-weight cotton. But not for Regency petticoats.
So I really don't want to use Kona. I can use the Pimatex I have on hand, if it comes down to it, although I really want something not so crisp for the skirts. I've got loads of fine voile, thanks to
jaelie, but I'm afraid it's too light to really be effective. I think batiste or lawn would be ideal. However, I've found it only for $8-10/yd. Does anyone have any cheaper sources to suggest? Besides Dharma, I've checked Martha Pullen, Farmhouse Fabrics, and Baltazor. Which last has $6/yd "Nainsook," sounding awesomely old-fashioned, but is supposedly lighter than batiste. Will it still be less translucent than voile?
I hate to sound a skinflint, but I'd really rather save a couple dollars a yard and spend them towards fine stockings or something. :D (Speaking of, are any of B&T's silk stockings a good idea for this?)