May 31, 2009 05:05
Ashita no kioku ( tomorow memories), i totally in love with this song...i downloaded the PV 3 times..i keep on wanting a better version of really happy with the subbed dvd version..
i just love the melody of this song as it slow and nice (really dont know how to describe it)...
the lyric is really touching, it really make me wonder about my future and my past..what will my future be, will it be more colourful?? and what had i done so far in my life that is meaningful and become a beautiful memories for me...
so, go and listen to the song!!
p.s: malini! kamu ada tgk news @ hey3 tak? shige pergi memancing dgn suami sy (ohno)..haha...sorry my oh-chan dragged ur shige for 25 hrs!! gomen...