Ghost in the snow

Dec 30, 2010 00:04

There are only three people who know about Mikey and him, and Mikey doesn’t count, because Mikey is like a part of himself. Three people: Bob and Emilie and now William.

“You weren’t messing with me when you said you could read each other’s minds,” he says at breakfast two days later.

“No, not really. I mean, no one believes it anyway…” Gerard trails off, distracted by a cinnamon roll. Mikey smiles.

“I know that feeling all too well. The thing is…there are people out there who know about us.”

“Hunters.” Gerard turns around. “Hunters know about these things.” He takes a sip of his coffee, the cinnamon roll abandoned on a plate.

“Hunters hunt and kill,” Mikey argues.

“Yes, of course. That’s the usual thing. I agree, but hunters know and most of them aren’t right in the head. You know it. There are actually only a few that are sane…I don’t count us,” he adds with a grin.

“I think you guys are sane,” William throws in.

“That’s sweet, Bill, but we’re really not. If we were sane, we wouldn’t be doing this.”

“I’m glad you’re doing this,” William answers.

“I really want to hug you now. Please feel hugged,” Gerard says.
William smiles.

“I was thinking about it too,” Bob says over dinner. “It’s just too well organized. And they seem to know everything about these children.”

“What makes this scary, is that even the parents who care, think that their kids are in some kind of school,” Emilie throws in. Bob gives her a look. “I talked to two different families from different states who think that.”

“That is really fucking…why would they give their kid away?” Mikey asks.

“I shed my skin like a snake to become something else. It’s messy and it hurts. I can understand that no one would love someone like me or want to have to deal with it on a daily basis for the rest of their lives,” William says quietly. The rest of them go quiet at that.

“We really don’t care. We’re messy too,” Mikey says after a short while of silence.

“You should feel hugged right now,” Gerard adds and Mikey nods.

William doesn’t know why he wants to talk about it now. He didn’t want to talk about it earlier. Ever since it started. He wanted to keep it a secret and he tried, but if you’re living with people, parents that should have looked out for you, you really can’t keep everything secret. Especially not such a big part of your life.
The first time it happened he was seven and he was alone. He wanted to be like that boy from the commercial his mom found cute. It hurt and he swore not to do it again. Until he was 13. It started happening more often then. In hindsight he thinks it was puberty. Everything goes to hell when you hit puberty. Why should that be different for shapeshifters?
His mom was pretty freaked out about it and his dad…who wasn’t his dad, but a new boyfriend of mom’s (who wasn’t his mom he learned later,) well he saw an opportunity. So, William was just one case before Rick found others or they found him. William never knew, never asked, never met any of the other children. But he knew there were other children. He is sure they knew it too.
And that’s how it began. Rick didn’t think he was human. The others, they knew he wasn’t, he realises now.

“Who would you trust to take care of your special child?” Emilie asks.
Mikey is nibbling a cookie and thinking all this shit over. The more they know or think they do, the less he likes the picture they’re uncovering.
Granted not every hunter was brought up like them. In a safe and stable home. He suspects they are actually something like an anomaly, but the common sense has to kick in some time right? And that it isn’t right to torture and rape children…he clenches his free hand around the edge of the sofa. Gerard reaches over and grabs it, pries it away carefully and holds it until he feels less like punching someone or something.

“Doctors, of course,” Bob says.

“Could be anyone. Hunters know how to be someone else. We were FBI Agents, journalists, inspectors and priests just last month,” Gerard throws in.

“Bank accounts?” Mikey asks.

Bob gives him a look. “What?”

“They sure as hell are making money from this. I know it is mostly about some sick kind of revenge, but they are making money. Bill said it himself. Therefore: bank accounts.”

“We’d have to check the bank accounts of all hunters we know,” Bob says carefully, “and no one can say we’ll find anything at all. If they are smart -and fuck, they are, then the money is hidden.”

“Someone always does something stupid with too much money. Always.” Emilie looks at Bob now, a cup of tea in her hand.

“Is this about the second guitar?” he asks.

“No,” she answers, “I just think that maybe someone bought something expensive and…well. It doesn’t hurt to try.”
Bob nods.

When William comes down to the kitchen next day Emilie is already up. Her red hair a messy ponytail and she’s only wearing one of Bob’s t-shirts. She’s also making French toast.

“Sit down, William, sugar or honey?” she asks, preparing a plate for him.

“Honey,” he answers. He’s still tired, but he couldn’t sleep. “And tea, please?”

“Sure,” she answers. He is surprised how at home he feels here after only a few months. How normal it is to see her here in the kitchen, knowing that she had sex with Bob the other night - and not be too freaked out about it. Waiting for the Ways to call…sometimes he listens for the distinct noise their car makes. This becomes home for him and it really scares the shit out of him.

“You’re thinking too hard, William,” she says into his brooding.

“I can’t help it,” he answers with a small smile. Emilie puts tea and a plate with French toast in front of him.

“You know, I like having you here. I like that someone is up more often than not to eat breakfast with me before I go to work,” she sits down on the other side of the table and cuts her toast in little pieces.

They eat in silence for a while before William puts his fork away and looks at her. “I don’t want you guys to get hurt.”

“We won’t,” she assures him.

“You don’t know these people.”

“The scary thing is that we probably do,” comes Gerard’s voice from the door. Deep and sleepy. His hair is a mess and he dyed it red - like Emilie’s.

“There is coffee,” Emilie says.

“Thank fucking god,” he runs a hand over his face and crosses the kitchen to get some.

“Mikey still asleep?”

“Yeah. He hogged the blanket again…I think we need two,” Gerard says, he still sounds groggy and he is staring at the mug like he can’t figure out how to make it work that coffee appears in it.

“You have to pour it in, honey,” Emilie says.

“Right…I know that,” Gerard answers, getting himself together and pouring coffee into the mug. William is by now sure he would inhale it or let someone attach a drip to his vein. It would save him a lot of trouble. Like getting up to get some for example. He leans against the counter to give William space. The table in the kitchen is small.

“You really think it’s someone we know?”

Gerard shrugs careful of his coffee. “Mikey and I…we don’t know people, for obvious reasons, Helena never said a word to anyone about us, how we are. But Bob knows a lot of hunters because they trust him. Yeah, I think the chances are good it’s someone he knows and us by proximity.”

“Well, fuck,” Emilie answers and she hardly swears. William isn’t sure this isn’t the first time he ever heard her swearing. Gerard nods and yawns again.

“Can I have the French toast?” he asks.

“Sure, there is honey in the cupboard.”

“I know, I live here too,” Gerard says with a smile before he turns around to get a plate, toast and honey.

“You shouldn’t eat while standing,” William says.

“You sure?”

Gerard shrugs, takes the plate and his coffee and sits down next to him. Their bodies don’t touch, but the possibility is there. It doesn’t freak him out at all as Gerard’s elbow brushes his while he’s gesturing around with his spoon as he discusses something with Emilie. He doesn’t even seem to notice that he did it.

Mikey comes into the kitchen a bit later. “It’s cold without you,” he accuses.

“You hogged the blanket,” Gerard answers, handing his mug over without prompting from his brother.

“We need a second blanket then…” he sits down on William’s other side and leans his head into his hands. “I feel like I didn’t sleep at all,” he says.

“Please feel hugged right now,” Gerard replies and Mikey smiles.

“Yeah, no,” Emilie says. Gerard wants to argue, but she cuts him off. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. And just for the record, I don’t want to. You need more than one witch to make this spell happen and not mess it up.”

“Oh…okay,” Gerard answers. He lights a cigarette and takes a deep drag. He is thinking things over, Mikey knows, but it’s too fast to pick out real words. Mikey is sure he will share when he’s come to a conclusion.

“Listen, Bob already has leads, we’re working on this day and night. We’ll find them.”

“In the meantime children are suffering,” Gerard answers.

She sighs. “We try our best.”
“I know, but the bank idea didn't work. These people are smart.”

I don’t think it’s a good idea, you know. We would be defenceless as children, even with the stuff we learned. The spell doesn’t say we will only look like kids, Gerard. It says we will be kids again.

I know. I know…I just. What other options do we have here?

And we don’t know if they will even come for us. Mikey answers. There is no way of knowing all the risks. I know you want to help, but it won’t help anybody if we die, because you know I’ll come with. Wouldn’t work without me anyway.

Gerard smiles at him. No, it wouldn’t.

We are crazy motherfuckers, that’s true, but you have to see sense here, Mikey’s voice is a plea.

Gerard nods. Okay.

Emilie gets up from the chair she was sitting in and says: “Mikey got your head straight?”


“Good, because before you ambushed me with this I wanted to ask you guys for a favour.”

“Sure, whatever, you know it.”

“A friend of mine has a problem. Might be a poltergeist. Could you guys look into it?”

“Yes. Just gives us the address.”

It’s an easy enough salt and burn case, but it still takes them a whole week to figure out where the bones are buried. Gerard hates it when the lives of people depend on bureaucracy. Or the police, who more often than not, has no clue. There was a time he thought it would be good to just tell people, but now that he knows what happened to Bill and all the other kids that are still there, he really isn’t sure.

Sometimes I hate people Gerard says, lighting the match. He steps away from the grave they dug and lets it fall. He can still feel the warmth of the fire even from where he stands.

“I know.” Mike lights a cigarette and hands it over to his brother.

“I hate that we still aren’t any closer to figuring this out. I want to kick down every hunter’s door and make them talk.”

“Might not be the best idea you ever had.”

“I didn’t say it was a good one. It’s just something I want to do to speed up the process.” Gerard takes a drag from his cigarette and watches the fire. “I kind of feel helpless.”

“You saved a whole family today.”

“We and that is not what I meant.”

“Gerard. We will figure this out. Or Bob and Emilie will.”

“I hate this. I hate that we can’t find Bill’s handlers.” He kicks a stone at his feet and takes another violent drag of his smoke.
Mikey keeps silent. There is nothing left to say anyway.


“Gerard? Did you have coffee?”

“You woke me up, fucker,” Gerard yawns and sits up. Mikey makes unhappy noises beside him.

“Listen…can we meet?”

“Alone? On a deserted back road?”


“Are you guys in town?” Gerard asks. He didn’t have coffee, his brain is still asleep. It’s not his fault.

“Yes, we’re in town. In an hour?”

“I’ll be there.”
He lets Mikey sleep and leaves a note for Bob, or William, whoever finds it first on the kitchen table before he leaves.

He sees Jared in a corner. His pink mohawk a dead give away. But Gerard thinks he really can pull it off. Jared smiles when he sees him and pushes a cup of hot blessed coffee into his hands as he sits down.

“I still kind of hate you…” Gerard mumbles inhaling the smell.

“I like your hair. It has an air of kick ass martyr,” Jared says, he’s smiling.

“That’s the look I went for. So, what the hell is going on?” he asks. He and Jared have history.

“This shit is personal and stays between us,” Jared says and he doesn’t need to add: Or I will slit your fucking throat without thinking about it more than twice.

“My lips are sealed,” Gerard answers and feels Mikey stir. His consciousness coming online.Am at Starbucks, having coffee with Jared.


I think you should listen in on this one.


“A few days ago someone knocked on my cousin's door and wanted to talk with her about their kid.”

Gerard has a really bad feeling about this already. “So in what way is this kid special?”

Jared gives him a sharp look. “What the hell is going on?”

I think we can tell him, Mikey says in his head.

Not sure yet.

“You first.”

“Hunters,” Jared says long suffering and takes a sip of his coffee. “God, I'd kill for a smoke right now.” Gerard waits him out. “Okay, lets say there are kids with special abilities...”

HA! Mikey exclaims in his head and he bites his lips to not burst out into laugher. He doesn't think it would go over so well.

“I only know a bit, maybe you and Shannon want to join us at Bob's?”

“Shit is going down, hmm?” Jared asks.

“We can smoke outside...” Gerard says hopefully.

“Fuck yes.”

“My cousin’s daughter is telekinetic,” Jared says. Shannon is hovering like a shadow behind him. There is something really creepy about them. In the way they move, in the way they don't really need to talk to each other...Mikey never really thought about it, because well...he has a brother as well.

“Runs in the family?” he asks out of the blue. Shannon shifts just a bit. Jared's elbow nudges his side. It could be just a coincidence, but Mikey knows it's not. It's body contact for comfort. He knows that shit.

“Kinda,” Jared says.

“Can you read each others minds?” Gerard wants to know. He curious, they never talked with any other siblings that could be like them.

“What? No!” Jared laughs and then stops abruptly. “Oh, fuck me!”

“Well...I know Gerard did,” Mikey says and then bites his lip.

“Kinky,” Shannon throws in. It's actually the first thing he said so far. He lights a cigarette with his fingers and well...that is pretty cool too.

“That is kinda really cool,” Gerard breathes. Mikey knows he is already sketching it in his mind so he can paint it later. When he has a few hours to spend on something that doesn't end in blood and gore. Oh least not in real blood and gore.

“Well, special kids.”

“There are others of course,” Jared says.

“Of course.”

“Okay, guys this is what we have,” Bob throws in and hands over their research so far.

It takes a while until the Leto brothers read it all. Jared puts the folder aside and stretches out on the sofa.

“How did you even come across this shit?” he asks. Mikey bites his lip, looking uncertain. Jared catches it. “Whatever it is you can tell us. We're on the same side here.”

“Not every hunter would agree,” Gerard says carefully.

“Because more than half of these kids are technically things you hunt?” Shannon asks.

“They aren't things!” Mikey says sharply.

“I know....sorry.”

“Yes,” Gerard answers.

“If they knew about me and Shannon, or you guys, we would be the first names on the hit-list.”

“One of the kids got away,” Gerard says.

“The kid is living here, right? You are keeping him or her here at Bob's.”

“No one messes with or suspects Bob. It's the safest place we know of.” Mikey shrugs.

“He wasn't much help, expect of course making us aware that this shit even exists.”

“You think it's hunters,” Shannon says.

“Yes, we do.”

“That's why you do this alone.”

“Can't blame a boy...” Gerard answers.

“Nope,” Jared agrees.

Stop staring at his arms. It's disturbing.

Don't even try to tell me you wouldn't, Gerard answers.

You did, so I know how it feels, it's like I did him as well.

Unexpected threesome! Gerard says with glee in his inner voice. Mikey rolls his eyes at him.

“You guys done now? Can we start some serious shit?” Bob asks.


“So, my cousin made a sketch of the guy at her door. I don't know him, but maybe one of you?”

“Who's with your cousin and their kid?”

“They can take care of themselves, but they took a short vacation nevertheless.” Jared replies producing the sketch. It's not the greatest thing ever, but Gerard thinks Bob could manage it anyway. Bob takes the piece of paper and disappears into his study. The only thing left is to wait.

“So I was thinking,” Jared says, they're in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating sandwiches. Gerard really kind of doesn't want to talk about it - everything in his body language tells you that. “We totally had a threesome and I didn't know, right?”
Gerard winces, the whole thing is messed up enough, without people knowing, Mikey can relate. He nods. “I feel cheated.” Jared adds. Shannon tries to hide a grin, but he doesn't seem to try that hard
Gerard really wants to say something about this, but then the guys' eyes snap in the door's direction.

“I think I'll come back later...” William mumbles. He was sleeping a lot in the last few days during daytime, because he can't at night. Mikey is a bit worried about that, as is Emilie.

“Don't be stupid, Bill,” Mikey says. He gets up and goes to the stove to boil some water for tea.

“No really...” William tries again.

“We don't bite,” Shannon says.

“Except it's your kind of thing,” Jared adds with a sweet smile. William blushes. Oh, fuck, Gerard thinks.

“Don't even start, Leto,” Gerard warns.

“I'm Jared and that is my brother Shannon. The Ways were clearly raised by wolves, you have to excuse their behaviour,” Jared says to William.

“Hey! Helena was no wolf...” Gerard starts.

“Oh well, I bet she taught you better than that.”

“I bet your mom knew you would get in trouble as soon as you were twelve and discovered how your dick works,” Gerard shoots back.

Jared grins. “It's okay to be a late bloomer, you know...”

Mikey snickers at that and Gerard throws his hands over his head in a dramatic gesture. Gerard kind of loves the drama a bit. William is still standing in the doorway. Mikey sighs, makes tea and puts it on the table. “Sit down,” he says.

“Come on, Bill, sit down,” Jared is all innocence, even that works for him.

So unfair, Gerard pouts. He only pouts in his or Mikey's head. William takes the longer way to the chair avoiding any body contact and Jared gives him a look, but doesn't say anything. Mikey can see Shannon ball his hands to fists. He can relate here, too. He is sure they want to kill someone for this as well. Shannon lights a cigarette with his fingers and William's eyes go wide. Mikey smiles at Shannon and Shannon shrugs.

I kind of love the Letos. Gerard says in his mind.

Yeah, I do too.

“I'm a shapeshifter,” William whispers.

“Really? And is this your real form?” Jared asks, he leans a bit over the table to be closer to William and William doesn't lean away. A few months ago he would have. There is still enough space between them. Jared is careful to keep a safe distance.


“You're pretty,” Jared says.

William blushes again. “Thanks...”

“You're welcome.”

Seriously love them, Gerard repeats.
Mikey nods.

There are a few things hunters don't know about his kind of shapeshifters. They know them about other shifters like werewolves, but just don't make the connection. William is really glad no one did.
Something William figured out pretty fast is that he needs to shift from time to time. He needs to do it to stay sane, stay healthy in body and mind. It still hurts like hell, there is no denying that, but the blood-thirst he feels when he doesn't shift for weeks is less pestering. It's nearly gone and he thinks it isn't more violent than that of humans.
He does it alone, at night, when he knows no one is home. When Bob and Emilie have a rare evening off, when the Ways have gone on a hunting trip. He takes off his clothes in the bathroom (it's the easiest to clean afterwards), stares into the mirror and thinks about who he wants to be. Since he stays at Bob's he chooses someone familiar to him, like Bob, the Ways, even Emilie. He doesn't like to be a girl, it feels strange and foreign, but she feels safe enough. Her pretty face calms him down from the pain when she stares back at him in the mirror.
He isn't exactly sure why he keeps this to himself, after all these months he knows, just knows, that they won't throw him out. He is free to leave or to stay. He is sure that they will make him go to school next year - when they think he could handle other people. He doesn't allow himself to think about it that often, but sometimes it sneaks up on him. It lets him hope.
And that is surely a good thing.

Bob calls one of his contacts at the police. Most hunters had a run in with the police at some time in their life. Except the Ways, they’re just charming like that. They don’t even use fake names most of the time. It’s something about them that just makes people trust them.
Now that they have a rough sketch he thinks he can get a name. Even a fake one would be a step forward. They only have to sit and wait.
It's actually the hardest part.

Gerard is half asleep when Pastor Jim calls. He looks at the caller ID and nudges Mikey’s mind. He likes to have someone with him when he isn’t fully aware of everything and right now his brain is foggy. Like always when he wakes up.

Go on, Mikey says.

Gerard yawns and takes the call. “Pastor Jim,” he mumbles.

“Where you asleep?” Pastor Jim asks.

“Nearly,” Gerard admits. Pastor Jim knows them, it wouldn’t make much sense to lie to his face and then about something as unimportant as that.

“I have a favour to ask you guys,” Pastor Jim says.

“Sure, whatever, you know it,” Gerard answers. He means it. They know him just as long as they know each other. He’s close enough to call family.

“Thank you boys,” he says and explains his problem.
Pastor Jim isn’t the youngest man anymore. He can’t be running around, chasing zombies and witches and vampires. He’s more like a source for information, ammunition and a place to crash if you should need it. Holy water and crosses as well. It’s good to know a holy man these days.

William is in the kitchen when they come down the next morning. It’s way too early for Gerard and Mikey is rubbing his eyes. His hair a mess.
The Letos are nowhere to be found. He is sure they are still sleeping safe and sound. Kind of unfair if you ask him.

“Coffee?” William asks, smiling as he looks up from something he was doing. Gerard brain doesn’t want to process anything right now.

He’s writing Mikey says.
Gerard nods and it’s an acknowledgement of Mikey’s thoughts as well as an answer to William’s question.
Gerard collapses into one of the chairs and cradles his head in his hands. It’s really too early for this shit - or any shit. Really.

“You’re up early. Heading out?” William wants to know as he puts two mugs of coffee onto the table.

“Yeah, there is something we have to take care of. Bob and the Letos are gonna stay here. You’ll be okay.”

“I can stay home alone for a few hours. It doesn’t freak me out,” William answers.

Gerard smiles. “I know.” He takes his mug and adds sugar, stirs, takes his first blessed sip of the day. “Coffee makes the world a better place,” he sighs.

Mikey smiles and William snickers. He sits down and takes sip of his tea. “Want breakfast or just a morning cigarette?”

“Just the morning cigarette.” Gerard says, he doesn’t feel like eating at all.

“Tell Bob and the brothers that we’re out?” Mikey asks.


William is doodling on the couch when the Letos come down a few hours after the Ways are gone.

“Morning, pretty,” Jared says and William makes himself not blush.

“Morning,” he answers, not looking up from the doodle. He is doodling the vampire Gerard gave him. He used to trace the lines with his fingers when he was still there. It made him feel better knowing that a random stranger out there wanted to help him. He finds comfort in the lines now as well.

“Ways still asleep?” Jared asks.

William shakes his head. “Had to take care of some business. Will be back by dawn they said.”

“Fuckers, could have told us,” Jared huffs. “They did leave some coffee, right?”

“In the kitchen,” William answers.

“You had breakfast yet?” Shannon wants to know.
William shakes his head. He doesn’t feel hungry, he feels itchy. Like he needs to shift and soon.
Jared’s cell rings just as William sits down with his tea at the kitchen table. The conversation is short and when Jared hangs up on whoever it was he looks grim.
“No breakfast for us, right?” Shannon asks, he is up already and putting unused plates away.

“We get something later. Get our stuff.”

“Everything or…?”

“I guess we’ll be back by tomorrow morning,” Jared answers, carefully. Shannon nods. “You should eat something, pretty. No matter if we’re here or not, got it?” he adds in William’s direction.

“Got it.”

Jared smiles at him. “Feel kissed right now.”

And William can’t help it, he blushes again. “Stop teasing the kid and move,” Shannon says, rolling his eyes at his brother.

Gerard is running like hell and he hates running. This should have been a normal salt and burn and now some guys are chasing him and his brother through the fucking woods. He’s sure they’re out for blood.

“Where is everybody?” Bob asks as he comes out of his study where he slept or worked or both.

“On missions.” William answers.

“All of them? Together?”

“No, the Way brothers went out really early and then a few hours ago Jared got a call and they headed out as well.”

“Okay…” Bob says carefully. Something about Bob’s tone doesn’t sit right with William.

“You’re worried.”

“I have a feeling,” Bob admits and then his phone rings. “Gerard? I can’t hear you. Where the hell are you?” he tries a few times more, scribbles something down on a corner of an old newspaper and hangs up.

“I don’t like the sound of this…”

“Can you stay alone here for a while? Until Emilie comes back?” Bob asks.

“Sure,” William answers and doesn’t ask any questions. Bob doesn’t look like he has the time to answer them anyway.

“Okay, be back as soon as I can. Don’t open the door. If something happens…here,” he says, tossing William a key. “To the basement. It’s the safest place in the house. No one will make it in there.”
William nods.

Did you reach Bob? Mikey asks.

Yeah, not sure he can find us. The reception was crap.

Great, what the fuck is going on? Mikey sounds calm in his head like he is thinking about it while he’s hiding from people who want to kill them. You know that they’re hunters, right? Mikey says. He sounds like he doesn’t want to say the next thing. Gerard sees a flash of it in his mind away.

No way!

I’m sure they have Pastor Jim and made him talk. Mikey says anyway.

Gerard really doesn’t want to think about it. First we get out of here, even if we have to kill every one of them…

Okay. And then we’re gonna get Pastor Jim… Think it was a good idea to leave William alone and unprotected?

He’s at Bob’s and the Letos are there, Gerard answers, but he doesn’t like this. Not at all.

“Okay, what the fuck is going on here?” Shannon asks, he lights a cigarette for himself and one for his brother while he watches the house burn. They made it out just before Shannon got really pissed at these guys for shooting his brother and set the whole fucking house on fire. With everyone who was still inside.

“A fucking trap. They wanted us out of the way.”

“To get to William?” Shannon asks. It’s not a real question. Jared bites his lip against the pain in his side where the bullet grazed him. He’s not gonna die, but it hurts like a fucking bitch. The wind picks up and the smoke begins to sting his eyes.

“We should get back. Right the fuck now. God only knows where the Ways are.”

“I’m calling Bob,” Shannon answers and does just that as they are walking back to the car.
Jared breathes and waits while Shannon drives and talks to Bob.

“We’re fucked, right? They want him back, because they think he can ruin everything?”

“It’s so stupid…why now?”

“Maybe they thought he was dead and now that they have Pastor Jim and made him talk…they put two and two together.” Jared answers. “Fuck. You need to patch me up soon.”

“Next motel I see. Bob gave William the key to the basement just in case and he’s after the Ways. Apparently some hunters want to kill them…”

“What a fucking surprise!” Jared spits.

“This seems to be bigger than just a few kids.”

“Torture and rape is big enough for me,” Jared answers.
Shannon nods.

William is worried about the Ways and Bob and the Letos, if he’s honest with himself. He was sure they would call the house, but they didn’t. He’s a bit freaked out. It’s just too perfect that he is alone and that stuff is going down somewhere else. He’ll be alright as soon as Emilie’s home - but she called and said she would be late.
His skin itches with the need for a change of skin. He gets up and into the bathroom to get it over with. He’s the most vulnerable like this, that’s why he does it alone. He’s the ugliest like this as well. His skin shifting and shedding, his bones taking on new forms. There is skin, flesh and blood everywhere on the bathroom floor. The pain only stops after everything is in place. It takes usually half an hour, but even that is too much to bear on some days. It makes him feel less freaked out this time around. When he looks into the mirror, Gerard’s face is staring back at him. He didn’t turn into Gerard on purpose. His subconscious took over this time. It happens sometimes. It’s easier to let his body do what it wants, instead of fighting it into shape.

Gerard knows Mikey is close by and that he’s bleeding. A knife wound before he managed to take out that bastard. He looked a bit like the one from the sketch. Well, there went their chance for questioning, but Gerard really isn't sorry. He just wishes he could do serious harm by wrecking other people’s brains right now.

It’s not that bad, Mikey assures him.

It’s bad enough. Gerard’s hands are clenched to fists. The remaining hunters are slowly closing in. They are silent like ghosts. They are good.

We are better, Mikey says.

I sure as hell hope Bob will be here soon. Gerard answers and feels Mikey nod.

Jared stares at the ugly ceiling while Shannon patches him up. It stinks and hurts and he wants to kill something, but of course Shannon already did.

“Should have let one of them live…” he says softly.

“Had no time for that shit, Jared, and you know it, but I’m sorry I lost it,” his brother answers.

Jared grabs his hand and Shannon looks down at him. “It’s okay. I’m glad they’re dead.”
Shannon nods, but Jared knows he isn’t. He doesn’t actually like to kill people with his mind or at all, really. That's why they usually stay away from all things hunter related.

“Here, take these until we get to Bob’s.”

“I thought we’re getting Pastor Jim?” Jared asks.

“Not while you can’t do shit. We are heading to Bob’s,” Shannon says firmly. Jared knows there is no way his brother will back down on this one. He takes the pills and nods.

William runs his fingers over his skin. It always feels kind of strange, like he’s not really touching himself. Like he’s touching his body through a layer of something else. Not really another skin…just something. It doesn’t feel foreign. The sensations are just kind of muted. Not right after the change. The first ten minutes after the change and the first 30 after he’s changed back into his own body his skin is super sensitive - like a newborn’s. He doesn’t touch himself during that time at all. He stands still and listens to his inner clock.
The bathroom he's in has a full-body mirror: an old-fashioned thing in a white frame. He's pretty sure Emilie wanted it or that it maybe belonged to Helena, the Ways grandmother. Usually he doesn't look at himself in it. He only stares at his face in the small one above the sink.
He catches his reflection out of the corner of his eye. A pale finger running down his ribs, Gerard's ribs, and he can't look away. He faces himself in the mirror and watches transfixed.
It's like watching Gerard touching himself and feeling a faint echo of it. He wonders for a brief second if that's what Mikey is feeling.

He hears Bob's voice just as he thinks they're not gonna make it after all. They have no ammunition left and Mikey is still bleeding and still saying that it's not that bad. As if he could fool Gerard. Gerard can feel his fucking pain.

Thank fucking god Gerard sighs.

We would've made it, Mikey answers. Gerard isn't so sure, but he keeps quiet. It's not like Mikey wouldn't know anyway.

The best thing, is for us to let Bob handle this right now, Mikey says.


Mikey is lying in the back-seat of Bob's Ford. Patched up, but Gerard's mind is still a haze of worry and pain.

“I'll live,” Mikey says.

Gerard knows that. “You're in pain and” I want to fucking kill them all.

“I know.”

“We think they have Pastor Jim,” Gerard says to Bob.

“The Letos were on a mission...” Bob answers.

“Well, fuck!” Gerard says, getting his phone. The Letos aren't hunters, they don't do missions, except when someone really is in deep shit. He drums his fingers on the dashboard while he waits for the call to connect and hopes to god they'll pick up.

“Gerard,” Shannon says. He dialled Jared's number, but he's not picky right now. “You're alive.”

“Yeah. Fuck, you guys okay?”

“Heading back to Bob's. Don't think William should be alone. I'm sure they want him.”

“You guys okay?” Gerard repeats.

“A bullet grazed Jared,” Shannon says, he sounds still angry. Gerard can relate.

“But he's gonna make it?”

“Yes, he'll live. He's bitching me out for heading to Bob's right now.”

“Thank fucking god...” Gerard sighs with relief.

“Are you guys heading for Pastor Jim?”

“Mikey got stabbed,” Gerard answers.

“Meet you there then.”


“This whole disaster has one good point to it.” Mikey says from the back-seat.

“What?” Bob asks.

“They are afraid of us,” Gerard finishes Mikey's thought.
Bob puts his foot on the gas.

They arrive at Bob's at the same time the Leto brothers do. The house is quiet and dark and Gerard feels his stomach drop.

“Well, fuck!” he hears Jared say. He nods. Bob helps Mikey out of the car and Gerard, Shannon and Jared run to the front door. Gerard is sure Jared works on adrenalin and painkillers.

“Just find him, okay?” Gerard says. They nod.

William is in pain and covered in blood and skin and flesh. His own flesh and blood and pieces of bones that aren't needed anymore. He's still naked and he's shivering, not only from pain and cold, but from his orgasm as well. It was unexpected and wrecked his whole body with how good it felt. He thinks he might just pass out from it all on the bathroom floor.

Gerard is frantic and he knows it, there is no indication that someone was even in the house. William should be okay, but why the hell isn't he answering them?
He can hear Jared screaming William's name as well and Shannon and maybe Mikey from the living room where Bob left him on the couch before he went to see if he could find Pastor Jim. Gerard is sure he called Emilie at the hospital and that she will be here soon.

“Bill! God fuck! Answer me!” he screams pushing doors open one after another. He can see Jared at the other side of the hallway, they're making their way to the middle in quick movement.
Jared opens the bathroom door first, but Gerard is right behind him.

“What the hell?” Jared says, Gerard pushes him away and rushes inside, he reaches out without thinking, because he needs to do something NO! Mikey screams in his mind, but it's already too late. Gerard's hand closes around William's arm and William moans. It's low and kind of sexy and Gerard freezes in place. As does Jared for a second. Then Gerard watches as he grabs a towel, wets it in the sink and gets to his knees in front of William; who is sitting on the cold bathroom tiles.

“Hey, pretty...look at me?” he says softly and William's eyes flutter open. He doesn't look like he's in pain, he looks like he's in some kind of ecstasy. Gerard swallows, lets go and steps back.
“I'm just gonna clean you up a bit, is that okay?” Jared asks. William blinks and then nods. “Gerard grab a fucking towel and help me here, would you?” Jared says, he's not looking away from William's face. Gerard nods.

For god's sake, do what he says, would you? Mikey's voice says in his mind and he shakes his head to clear it a bit. He is so fucking relieved. And so fucking confused by all this. He takes a clean towel from the counter, wets it and kneels down next to William. He is fucking thin, delicate even. And the blood and flesh and skin on him, around him...Stop admiring the fucking aesthetics! Mikey sounds amused and Gerard doesn't feel too guilty about it.

“Just stretch your arms out?” Jared coaxes, his voice still soft and careful, and William does. He's kneeling naked on the floor, his arms outstretched like he's spreading his wings, breathing hard. Gerard just can't not admire the aesthetics. He touches William's shoulder with the towel carefully just as Jared does on his other side. They work in silence, running the wet towels over William's skin, who doesn't seem like he can suppress the shivers and moans. And Gerard knows he's not only in pain anymore.

“Fuck...” he breathes out, because this is really getting to him.

“I'm gonna touch you now, pretty. Just nod if it's okay?” Jared says. William's head jerks in his direction and he nods franticly.
Gerard watches transfixed as Jared's finger run down William's side, the curve of his shoulder, his collarbone and everywhere he touches the skin knits together. Heals up like there never was a wound at all.
Oh... Mikey says, and it sounds like a breath in Gerard's head. Gerard puts the bloody towel away and just watches Jared heal William. It's kind of erotic... Mikey adds with a hitch in his voice.

It fucking is.

“I'll help you up now and we get you into the bathtub, okay, pretty?”

“Yes...that would be nice,” William answers. He is biting his lip. Now that he is aware of his body again, he can only imagine how he looks. Wanton, flushed, half hard again and he tries desperately to keep any moans and hisses in. Tries to breath normally again. But it felt so good when Jared touched him, felt so good to see Gerard while he felt good.

“Do you need help?” Jared asks.

“No, no I can manage now. Thank you,” William whispers.

“Okay...just call when you need something. We'll be outside.”
William nods and watches as the door closes behind them. Well, fuck.

“I was wondering...” Gerard says.

“Well, I can only heal other people, not myself.”

“That kind of sucks,” Gerard answers. Jared nods.

Makes sense although why Shannon got all pissed off and nuclear on the guys who tried to kill his brother. Mikey says.

Would have been the same if it were you or me, Gerard replies. He itches for a cigarette.

“I need a smoke,” Jared says, sinking down carefully to the floor outside the bathroom. Gerard sits down next to him and gets his pack out. He lights one for Jared and one for himself: leaves bloody fingerprints on the filter. “Thanks.” Jared takes a deep drag, closing his eyes and Gerard stares at his lips as he does it. Jared has really pretty lips.

It's pretty epic, one brother can kill people with the fire he makes with his fucking mind and the other can heal people with just a wonder they didn't tell anyone about it. Mikey says.

“Want me to heal your brother?” Jared asks after a short while of silence.

“No...I mean, yes. I don't know. Does it hurt you?”

Jared shrugs. “Not really. I just kind of do it. It was always like this, you know?”

Gerard nods, he does know. “Yeah, I guess.”

“I'm gonna heal Mikey in a few minutes.”

“Thanks,” Gerard answers.

“It's okay...” Jared replies and then with a smile: “Where you turned on by him?”


“Because I kind of was...” Jared says softly - a hint of shame in his voice.
Gerard nods.

William sinks into the warm water and doesn't try to listen to the conversation outside the door. He was pretty much out of his mind and everything could've happened to him. Fuck, what was he even thinking? That he didn't want people to know about how much of a freak he really is...and now they know anyway.

Emilie puts a healing charm around Jared's neck when she's done patching him up like only a doctor can and he nods his thanks.

“No problem. So they're scared?”

“Seems so,” Gerard answers, waving his cigarette. Bob called on hour ago from Pastor Jim's place. It was deserted. It doesn't look good for him, Bob said.

“They're doing stupid things then,” Emilie says, taking a sip of her tea.

“Still, they know who we are and we don't know who they are and they're going to try again.” Mikey throws in. He's sitting close to Gerard for the comfort and to ground Gerard, because he's still shaken up by the whole thing.

“There are a lot less of them after today,” Shannon says into the sudden silence and Gerard smiles at him.

“Could be only the leaders left...” Mikey adds.

“Exactly my thinking.”

Bob gets a call the next morning and wakes them up.

“A hostage exchange? Are they insane?” Jared asks, he is still moving carefully, but a lot more aggravated than the day before.

“Is that a real question?” Mikey throws in. Jared shakes his head.

“The words were, I quote: The pastor surely means more to you than a shifter-freak.”

“Yeah, no,” Gerard says firmly.

“What he said,” Jared adds with a nod in Gerard's direction.

“Look, they’ll all be there for the exchange. We're taking these fuckers out. They don't know about us. They don't know that we are all freaks of nature,” Shannon says calmly.

Emilie nods. “What he said.”

Bob looks from one to the other as if they were kind of crazy than just shrugs. “We have work to do.”

Sometimes Mikey isn't so sure if he finds something hot or if his brother does. A fact of his life is that everything filtered through his brain from his brother's and Gerard usually discovered stuff first.
Mikey's taste is similar to his brothers, but he really can't say if it's just the way he was born or if it's how he was raised - by Gerard.

It's no use to think about it now, Gerard says from the back-seat. He's taking a drag of his cigarette.

I know, just can't help it. I don't think I would've found Bill hot if I didn't see him through your eyes... Mikey answers, his eyes on the road in front of him.
Shannon is sitting up front with Mikey. Gerard doesn't really care. He doesn't think any brothers could be closer than Mikey and him.

I'm not sure, I should be sorry for that. Gerard sits up and stares at Mikey's back.

I don't think so. It just makes things complicated - I mean more than they already are.

“This is really kind of disturbing, I just know you guys are having a conversation...” Shannon throws in.

“Yeah...sorry.” Mikey says.

“No problem, just can I turn on the radio?” He doesn't wait for an answer, just fumbles with the buttons until he finds a Misfits song he settles on.

Have to love the Letos, Gerard says.

I know who you love and it's not the Letos... Mikey snickers.

How very mature of you.

Not my fault you are sharing your sex life with me.

Gerard waves it away with his hand. Back at you.
Mikey grins at him through the mirror.

They stayed up as long as they could. Emilie made charms until she couldn't stand anymore. Everyone of them knows that they will drain her of her power when things should get really bad. Bob wasn't too excited about that idea, but Emilie stayed hard on that one. “I'm no use in a fight, but I can do that and I can do that from here and I'm good at keeping you guys unharmed should we need it.” She had said and Bob had nodded once. Grim and not at all happy, but they all knew that it was a good idea. That they would need the help.
William is with Bob, up front. Jared too. An ambush would not make any sense. They are up against hunters and hunters are a crazy, paranoid bunch. The only good thing is that they don't know about the brothers, William thinks, or Emilie. He's afraid. He knows that they won't let anything happen to him, but he is still afraid. Pastor Jim is one of them. The Ways have known him since they were little. Their grandmother knew him. William..., he is only someone they met a few months ago and he isn't even human. He's one of the things they are hunting. A thing that hurts people.

“You'll be okay, pretty,” Jared says, he even turns around to look at William. Smiles and adds: “Feel hugged, yeah?”
William nods.

“This shit will be over soon enough. We just go in, grab the Pastor and get out. A matter of a few minutes.” Bob assures him.
William knows the plan. It's a good plan - as such plans go, he thinks. He doesn't have much experience with such things.

“And then we're gonna make these bastards talk, get the other children and burn the fucking place down.” Jared adds.
As plans go, it really isn't a bad one. There is nothing he can do anyway. A life on the run isn't something he really wants. He likes staying at Bob's...he likes the Ways, he likes his life now. William knows it will get a lot harder after...but, right now, if they can get out alive of this, well, that would be really great.

The house looks old and abandoned. Just right for something like this. There is a forest on all sides. Good for hiding, not that they are going to. They're going in guns blazing or something like that.
Bob parks the car and gets out. Mikey does the same. He throws his brother a look.
“Show-time,” Gerard says and Shannon nods.

“Oh fuck!” Bob says as they enter the house in the middle of nowhere. Gerard knew this wouldn't be a fucking piece of cake, of course. He can feel them. Can feel their eyes. They're surrounded. There are at least 20 hunters in the house alone. They must be really afraid or pissed off about the whole fire thing.

“I'm not surprised that the Ways are in on this shit,” Gordon says.

I never liked him, Mikey huffs.

“Not surprised that you are torturing children for fun,” Gerard answers disgusted.

“They're no children, they're monsters.”

Something in Gordon's voice makes Gerard's blood freeze. No arguing with him then...

I'm kind of glad about it and hope it doesn't make me a bad person, Mikey says.

By their definition we're all going to hell anyway, Gerard answers.
Mikey smiles. It always looks a bit creepy when he does it, but it makes Gerard feel all warm inside.

“Where's the shifter freak?” Hanson asks. William steps forward, he was hiding behind Bob, because they told him to.

“Where is Pastor Jim?” Bob asks.

“Here,” Pastor Jim says, stepping into the room. Unharmed, untied.

Well, fuck! Mikey swears.

“What the hell?” Bob says calmly. He is really pissed off, Gerard can see it in his body language. And Bob is really the most dangerous at times like this.

“I didn't want this, Gerard, Mikey...” he says.

I can't believe him! Mikey's voice is hard like steel.

“You knew about this. You sold these kids out! Their parents trusted you!” Gerard replies. He is so damn angry. He can feel his calm slipping.

“They aren't kids. They are evil. Possessed and need to be put down,” Pastor Jim answers calmly.

He's mad, he's gone mad, Mikey says in his head. We should shot him now and get out of here.

“I can't believe you screwed us like this! We trusted you. Asshole!”

“This means there is some good in you, still. Do you think Helena would've wanted you to help demons and shifters and all the crawling, disgusting, dark, twisted things?”

“Don't you dare bring her into this!” Gerard shouts. Mikey grabs his arm with the hand that doesn't hold a gun.

“Enough!” Gordon throws in, “give us the freak or we're gonna kill you all. On second thought: We gonna kill you anyway.” There is a split second Gerard just knows that Gordon is aiming at Mikey. That he wants Gerard to see this.

Don't you dare! Mikey shouts.

“Too late!” and then the bullet hits him. All hell breaks loose after that.

“This wasn’t part of the plan,” Bob says. They're behind a dining table and William just knows that they need to get out of the fucking house so Shannon can set the whole thing on fire.
Gerard is still bleeding on the floor. He lies there like a starfish. William can't stop staring at him through the small hole in the table.

“He's not dead,” Mikey whispers.

“How do you know?” William asks. He really hopes that it's true though. Mikey gives him a look. “Oh, right. Thank god.” He breathes and clutches the amulet around his neck.

“Hanson knows about this shit, if he discovers the amulet he'll take it and double tap Gerard in the head,” Bob says.

Mikey nods, a grim determination on his face. “I'll tell Shannon he should just set the whole thing on fire starting from the first floor...hopefully that will make them leave the house in a panic...”

“You gonna do something stupid now, aren’t you?” Bob asks.

Mikey nods, getting his phone out. “Take out as many as you can, but we need Pastor Jim alive. He knows everything.” Mikey sounds disgusted.

“Okay. Not promising anything for the Letos...”

Mikey nods: “They know how important that shit is.” He pockets his phone and gets up.
William sees how he gets hit a few steps away from Gerard. He feels himself tremble and then his phone buzzes: Feel hugged. It's from Mikey.

This was really stupid, Mikey says. Gerard is in fucking pain, but he really doesn't regret it at all.

He knew I would do that.

Of fucking course he knew.

Good thinking with the fire thing. Might buy us some time.

We're not gonna die as long as we wear the amulets.

Hanson knows about this shit...

Don't even go there, Mikey says, grabbing his hand and squeezing.
Gerard can feel how his fingers slip in their blood. It's less disturbing that it should be.

Bob grabs William's jacket and tugs. “We're gonna run like hell now and try not to get shot, okay? I'm sure they're using silver-bullets.”
William nods and doesn't ask about the Ways.
Bob aims for the car, but they don't make it that far before Gordon is in their path. Bob doesn't seem to think twice about it, he just shoots him and William can't say he's sorry for that. He doesn't know the man, but when the Ways don't like him and Bob doesn't think twice about shooting him, he can't be a good person.
Bob is firing with the Leto brothers close behind them. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Shannon go down and Jared grabbing his brother's hand in all the crazy around them and he just wants it to stop. There aren't that many hunters out here that aren't on fire and William knows that Shannon is doing it. He's out for blood. Everyone seems to be.
The hunters, William realises, are as crazy, single minded and vicious as the creatures they're hunting.

Think you can mange to get up? Mikey asks. He can hear the fire above them, the gunshots outside and hopes that Bob and the others made it out and to the cars.

Maybe this was a sucky plan.

Nah, we couldn't know that the Pastor who we’ve known our whole life is a crazy mad man...

Sounds to me like our knowledge of human nature sucks a lot. Maybe we should sign up for a course when we get out of here, Gerard answers and Mikey laughs not only in his head. It echoes through the now deserted house.

Get up, we need to get out of here.

We're not dying, but it sure as hell feels like it, Gerard says.

Stop being a girl about it.

Stop encouraging gender roles. He answers and gets up. Hurts like a bitch.
Mikey squeezes his hand again.
They make it out on the other side of the house. Taking the front door is not an option.

Gerard leans heavily on a tree and says: “I really need a smoke now.”

“We need to put the rest of them out of their misery and get out of here, but I'm settling for getting to the car and getting the hell out of here for right now,” Mikey whispers back.
Gerard nods.

“It's not like we're invincible,” Bob says to Jared.

“Close enough to try,” Jared answers. He healed Shannon and Shannon nods. His face grim. William is really glad he's on their side.

“There aren't that many left. They're all behind the beat-down truck, protecting their leader,” Shannon sneers.
Bob thinks about it and then nods.

William glances in the direction of the house. “I'm sure they'll be alright,” Jared says and then: “You're staying here with Shannon, pretty, and me and Bob are gonna raise a bit hell.” He grins.
William wants to protest, but Jared puts a finger on his own lips and William's breath catches. Jared has really pretty lips. “Don't worry, we know what we're doing. Nothing's gonna happen to you or us,” Jared promises. William nods. There is after all nothing else to do. “I need a small distraction, Shannon.”

“Sure thing!”

Something explodes nearby and Gerard's head snaps in that direction. They are close to the hunters who are protecting Pastor Jim.

We're taking him now, Gerard says. They won't have another chance. In all the chaos and them all thinking Mikey and he are dead, well. This is a fucking perfect opportunity.

Right behind you. Mikey answers and Gerard gives him a thumbs-ups. Mikey rolls his eyes.
They're like ghosts, silent and deadly. As all the attention is on Bob and Jared, Mikey and Gerard grab Pastor Jim and drag him away. Bob and Jared keep the distraction up until Mikey and Gerard are close to the cars with the Pastor.
William waves at them and they get in. He hates that they have to leave the Trans Am, but Bob's car is bigger and safer.
Shannon is behind the wheel. The Pastor is struggling and he reaches over and lets a small flame dance on his palm and then on the Pastor's shoulder. “Shut the fuck up or I swear I'll set your balls on fire.”
Gerard isn't sure Shannon can do that, but he sounds like he could and Pastor Jim seems to believe it.
They get Bob and Jared, who is fucking injured again, and make sure that they get the hell out of there.

Emilie looks like hell when they get home. She is lying on the couch and looking pale and worn out, but she smiles as she sees that Bob is okay.

“Fuck, fuck...” Bob says.

“I'm okay...just didn't think I would have to keep three people alive at the same time,” she answers, her voice faint.

Jared sits down next to her and puts his hand on her temple. “I'm gonna make you better, so you can make me better...” he mumbles. He lost a lot of blood and doesn't look too hot. The Ways look as fresh as daisies. As soon as Jared got into the car he healed them both. Made it easier on Emilie, but it was too late by then.

Bob puts the Pastor into the basement and then collapses on the couch next to Emilie. She snuggles into him, running her fingers through his hair.

I don't want to deal with it, Mikey says into his mind and Gerard nods. He understands, he doesn't want to deal with Pastor Jim either.

We could just let the Letos manage it. They aren't...they don't have the kind of history we have.

Wouldn't be fair.

It's not about that. I don't know if I can watch when they make him talk, Gerard admits.

Jared can heal him.

I know. That's what I'm afraid of, Gerard answers.

Oh...okay. I'm still not hot on doing it myself.

“You want us to handle the Pastor?” Jared asks into the silence.

“It would be a pleasure,” Shannon adds. Mikey gives him a look and then smiles.

“No, it's okay...we can manage.”

“Okay, but if you need help, just let us know. We're here.”
Gerard nods.

William stays in the kitchen with the Letos while Gerard and Mikey go down to have a chat with the Pastor. He is pretty sure he doesn't want to know more details. Jared is still in pain, because there is only that much a witch can do, especially one that is drained and weak herself. Emilie patched him up like a doctor would. He refuses to lay down. Shannon has given up on trying to make him. William makes tea for them all.

“I wish he would just spit it out so we could get the kids and shut the whole operation down,” Jared says. His fingers are shaking as he tries to light a cigarette.

“Let me,” his brother takes Jared's hand to steady it and lights the cigarette with his mind. Jared takes a lung full of smoke and exhales slowly.

“Thanks. I really needed that: I bet the basement smells like smoke as well right now.”

“I don't envy them at all,” Shannon adds.

“No...” Jared smiles at William as he puts a mug in front of him on the table. “Thanks, pretty. Aren't you tired? You look tired.”
William shakes his head. He isn't. He feels shaky and high on adrenalin still and he can't seem to stop staring at Jared's lips as he smokes.

“Take a picture, he doesn't mind,” Shannon jokes and William blushes.

“I don't...I didn't...” he stammers.

“Shannon is being a dick. It's fine. Really. I like when people are looking at me.” Jared says it with a wicked smile and William's breath hitches a bit.

“Are you flirting with me?” he asks, softly. Uncertain.

“Do you want me to?” Jared asks back

William bites his lips, he doesn't know. “Maybe?” he answers, tentatively.

It turns out that Pastor Jim really isn't too big on the pain. He breaks down an hour into the interrogation: he spills names and places, and Mikey is glad for it. He doesn't enjoy this, but he knows Shannon would. That's why he's here with Gerard.

What are we gonna do with him now? he asks as Gerard lights his...Mikey lost count of how much Gerard smoked in the last hour, maybe it's for the best.

I have no idea.

The police?

Only if Bob's contact can make something up...he needs to be locked up for a long, long time.
Mikey nods.

William falls asleep on the couch and no one tries to move him or wake him up. It's okay, the couch is pretty comfy.
He hears noise - a soft curse - and his eyes snap open. Years of habit die hard and he doesn't sleep too deep anymore. He sits up.

“Did I wake you up?” Gerard sounds half asleep and a bit guilty.

“Yes, but it's okay...can't you sleep?”

“No, I'm gonna make coffee,” Gerard answers.

“That won't help with the insomnia,” William says, getting up from the couch. He can feel Gerard's eyes on him, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room.

“No, it won't...” Gerard replies, making his way over to the kitchen.

“You want company?” William asks tentatively.

Gerard closes the door shut softly and switches the small light on. It's enough to see what you're doing. “You want some tea?” he asks.

“Yes, thank you.”
Silence falls around them as Gerard prepares their drinks. William is feeling tired and hyper aware of everything at the same time. The soft click of the mug in front of him lets him look up.

“You shouldn't be up.”

“What are you going to do with the Pastor?” William asks and bites his lip. The Pastor didn't do anything to him, but he knows that he organized all this. He doesn't know how he feels about it.

“We don't know yet. We're keeping him here for now.”

“And the other people?”

“Arrested as soon as Bob gave the police a tip or still on the run...”

“The kids?” William asks.

Gerard bites his lip. “Dead, they killed them all...wanted to clean up their mess.”
William takes a deep breath. It doesn't help. He didn't know any of the other kids, he didn't, but still. ”I'm sorry,” Gerard offers.

“It's not your fault. You tried to help. You helped me. You didn't know me. I was just a hooker to you. I wasn't even worth saving...”

“Don't say that! You were worth it. You are worth it,” Gerard interrupts. “I really want to hug you right now. Feel hugged, would you?”

William bites his lip. “I would like a real hug,” he says after a short silence and to his credit Gerard just gets up and hugs him. William clutches the sleeve of his sleep-shirt.

“It will be alright, you'll see,” Gerard whispers and William believes him.



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