A rainy day on every level....

Feb 04, 2006 17:25

Well, I guess it's about time I made public the past few months and clued the few of you in on what's been going on. Dave is the only person who I've really updated lately, and only because this has all directly affected him at least once.

Anyway, I'm sad to say that my mother's health is ailing. This isn't the kind of ailing that you recover from, either. I won't bother getting into the specific details - they aren't really necessary. We found out that she had a rather serious problem right before christmas, and the first week of the new year that problem was diagnosed as terminal - the slow, horrible kind of terminal. Since then, she's just been lying around the house all day, wasting away. Being that it's so horrible to have to see every day, it's really started to wear on all of us. By this last week she was to the point that we really couldn't afford to leave her alone at all.

We all had a brief discussion last night about it, and my mom, because she doesn't want to be a burden, agreed to go into hospice. My dad and I took her there this morning. It's really a nice place, and she already seems a bit better (and certainly more comfortable) now that she has proper medication and better care than she could get here. When we got there, I went in and was met by a woman who seemed to know me somehow. It turns out she went to grade school with my mom, and babysat me when I was a toddler. Being the fatalist that I am, that somehow provided me closure, which is something I rarely seek or feel the need for. So, although things are still grim, knowing that she's better there than here helps a little, and that's about all we can ask for at this point.

So, I think that about sums things up. And as a preemptive strike to all of the incoming "I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do to help?" messages, thank you, I appreciate your concern. The past month has done a pretty good job of desensitizing me to he whole situation, being around it every day, so I'm actually ok with it all. As for what you can do to help, just do your best to act as normal. If there's one thing I need, it's for people to keep my mind off of it. I'm sure my boyz should have no trouble there. Keep me focused on video games, food, and women - that's about the best prescription :) Sorry, if this bummed anyone out, that wasn't my intention. I just felt the need to inform everyone of what was going on.
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