Title: Signal Fire
Artist: Snow Patrol
Vidder: Sani
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Gwen
snazzisani * Also, pimping this out for the awesome folks over at
Okay, the holiday season is quickly sneaking up, and we couldn't think of a cooler way to celebrate than by hosting a gift giveaway! The idea is that you get to list all manner of requests you have, whether they be fanmixes, graphics, or fanfic, and your fellow sexy members will reply to your comment and try their best to fulfill your wishes! No matter what holiday, if any, you celebrate, you're absolutely welcome to participate, so please join in the fun! And remember that it's the season to give, not just to receive, so if someone informs you that they'll fulfill a request of yours, it would be awesome if you could take time to do a kind deed and try to make another member's wish come true. Keep checking back at this post to see if there's anyone you can help!
so make sure to check it out